Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 228 Discuss with Li Zhenfeng

Chapter 228 Discuss with Li Zhenfeng
Su Yi has [Smelting Golden Body], maybe he doesn't need it, but the people around him do.

Originally, he planned to sell the entire Golden Scale Mang, but now he changed his mind.

"Brother Pei, is there anyone in Yuancheng who can refine the Golden Scale Leather Armor?" Su Yi asked.

"Shen Gongyue is fine. He is not only a first-level warrior of Soul Gathering Realm, but also a master craftsman. There won't be any problem in refining golden scale leather armor."

Pei Lin replied quickly, and then asked strangely: "Su Yi, why are you asking this?"

He wondered if Su Yi didn't give up on Jin Linmang, thinking about hunting him down in the future.

"It's okay, just ask."

Su Yi smiled perfunctorily.

He planned to refine the leather armor and give it to the Pei Lin brothers and sisters, there is no need to say it for the time being.


Pei Lin didn't think too much about it.

After that, the three of them walked together for a certain distance, and then separated.

When he got home, Su Yi took out his phone and glanced at it.

The first thing I saw was the 'warm family group', and the unread news was still fierce, still at the level of 999+.

"A bunch of chatterboxes."

Su Yi muttered, but instead of clicking on to watch, he called Li Zhenfeng.

"Su Yi, are you back from outside?"

After the call was connected, Li Zhenfeng asked with a smile.

"just came back."

Su Yi replied, and asked strangely: "Principal, how do you know I'm out of town?"

No one told about leaving the city, how did Li Zhenfeng know?
"Is there anything else in Yuancheng that I don't know?"

Li Zhenfeng smiled triumphantly, then asked, "What do you want from me?"

Su Yi cleared his throat and said seriously, "Principal, do you have time tomorrow?"


Li Zhenfeng asked.

"I want to compete with you." Su Yi said seriously.

After the battle with Wei Cangming, he guessed that Li Zhenfeng must have cheated when he sparred with him last time.

This made him very angry, and he planned to have another exchange to get back the place.

In addition, I also want to verify what level my strength has reached.


Li Zhenfeng froze for a moment, then mocked: "Isn't the lesson I taught you not enough last time? Are you still looking for abuse?"

"It's really shameless!"

Su Yi clicked his tongue secretly.

Li Zhenfeng was obviously playing tricks, but he just said it with confidence, showing his shamelessness to the fullest.

Su Yi didn't point it out, but said instead: "Didn't I go out of the city for a while, and my cultivation base has improved so much, so I want to discuss it with you."

"Have you improved your cultivation again?"

Li Zhenfeng was astonished.

However, it immediately occurred to Su Yi that he had the talent for stealth combat, and it was reasonable to go out of the city to fight fierce beasts, and to improve his cultivation base.

"Only improved a little bit?"

Li Zhenfeng let out a light snort.

He didn't believe what Su Yi said.

In Yulan City the day before yesterday, Su Yi also said that he had improved a little bit.

But later, when he was exchanging lessons, he realized how big the improvement was in the end.

If he only used the strength of the first level of Gathering Soul Realm, he would have been defeated by Su Yi at that time.

It can be predicted that the current Su Yi's strength must have soared a lot.

I'm afraid that if you use the strength of the third level of Soul Gathering Realm, you may not be able to defeat it easily.

"It's really only improved a little bit."

Su Yi affirmed and asked, "Principal, do you agree?"

"Agree with your sister!"

Li Zhenfeng's face was dark, and he was angry.

He was sure that Su Yi must have sought out him out of revenge.

He will not be fooled by this.

"No time." Li Zhenfeng directly refused.

If you use all your strength, it will not be a problem to crush Su Yi.

The key point is that he had agreed to only use the strength of the first stage of Gathering Soul Realm, and he could fool him once, but what about twice?
In case the truth is revealed, where will he put his old face?

(End of this chapter)

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