Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 231 The Arrogant Bluestone Gang

Chapter 231 The Arrogant Bluestone Gang
"I can't help it, the principal is looking for me." Su Yi smiled.

No matter what it is, just push it on Li Zhenfeng.

"The principal is too, why do you look for you every day?"

Su Lin pursed her lips and muttered, then turned and went back to the room.

"The little girl is getting wider and wider."

Su Yi shook his head and walked out of the house.

When they came downstairs, Cao Qinglang had already arrived.

"Old Cao, let's go." Su Yi greeted.

Later, under the leadership of Cao Qinglang, the two headed straight for Beiwai City.

Cao Qinglang's distant relative lives in Beiwai City.

On the way, Su Yi inquired about the situation in detail.

It is learned that the loan shark is a gang organization called the Qingshi Gang, and the overall strength is not weak. The strongest is their gang leader Wu Yingxiong, a martial artist at the fifth level of Body Tempering Realm.

The Qingshi Gang has been established for a long time, and its main activity area is the North Outer City.

In addition, according to Cao Qinglang, the Qingshi Gang has done a lot of evil in Beiwai City, but no one has been able to stop it.

This is a little strange.

It stands to reason that with the strict legal system of Yuancheng, this kind of gang will never be allowed to exist forever.

When this happens, Su Yi guesses that there must be someone behind the Qingshi Gang, and the energy is definitely not small.

But no matter who it is, since he met him, he must eradicate it by the roots, and restore the original city to a bright and bright future.

An hour later, the two of Su Yi came to Beiwai City and appeared in front of a low bungalow.

At this time, there was a fierce quarrel in the courtyard.

"Su Yi, it must be someone from the Qingshi Gang, let's go in quickly." Cao Qinglang was a little anxious.


Without hesitation, Su Yi strode towards the courtyard.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw a group of burly men gathered in the courtyard, each of them looked extremely vicious.

And right in front of them stood a rickety old man and a seven or eight year old girl.

The little girl seemed to be very frightened, and was hugging the rickety old man tightly.

"What do you want to do?"

Cao Qinglang stepped forward angrily, and stood in front of the two stooped old men.

"Where did the little bastard come out? I don't want to die and get lost."

A big one-eyed man glanced at Cao Qinglang and scolded him disdainfully.

He is Wu Yingxiong, the leader of the Qingshi Gang.

Seeing that Cao Qinglang was wearing a school uniform and was just a student, he didn't take Cao Qinglang seriously at all.

"They are my relatives, of course I am qualified to take care of them."

Cao Qinglang raised his head without flinching.

As long as Su Yi is around, he has nothing to be afraid of.

Su Yi is not only powerful, but also has a strong background.

Even Han Qianshan, the patriarch of the Han family in Haoyue City, trembled in front of Su Yi, and a mere Qingshi gang was nothing.

"Since you are relatives, then you can pay back the money for them." Wu Yingxiong said naturally.

"Didn't my uncle give you fifteen thousand? How much more do you want?" Cao Qinglang said angrily.

"Boy, what the hell do you think our Qingshi Gang is begging for? You can't even pay 20 Blue Star Coins with interest, not even a penny less."

A young man with short hair beside Wu Yingxiong let out an arrogant voice.

"Aren't you robbing?"

Cao Qinglang's chest heaved in anger.

"So what if I rob you?"

The young man with a flat head smiled contemptuously, and said bluntly: "In Beiwai City, our Qingshi Gang is the sky! Who the hell is tired of working and dare to fight against our Qingshi Gang?"


The corner of Cao Qinglang's mouth trembled angrily, and when he wanted to refute, the stooped old man behind him interrupted him.

Then he said to Wu Yingxiong: "Guangzhu Wu, we can't afford such blue star coins, it's really impossible. The house will be given to you."

(End of this chapter)

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