Chapter 237
"Don't bother, I have already notified Captain Chenghai, and he will bring someone over immediately." Su Yi said.

He would not let Peng Liheng take him away.

Wu Yingxiong and Peng Liheng have a special relationship. Even if they are captured, they will be going through the motions and will be released soon.

How can Wu Yingxiong be convicted in this way?

How can we eradicate them together?

Peng Li gritted his teeth impatiently.

He didn't expect Su Yi to play such a trick.

Chenghai is also the captain of the law enforcement team, and his status is comparable to him, and the two usually don't deal with each other very much.

Once Chenghai stepped in, things would get serious.

Because in recent years, under his protection, Wu Yingxiong has indeed done many shady deeds.

And he got a lot out of it too.

As the captain of the law enforcement team, knowingly breaking the law and covering up crimes are serious crimes.

Once verified, at least one's cultivation base will be abolished, and at worst one's life will be lost.

Realizing this, Peng Liheng's face darkened, and he whispered: "Su Yi, there is really no room for relaxation in this matter?"

It would be best for Su Yi to let go. If he continued to hold on, he would not sit still.

"Captain Peng, as the captain of the law enforcement team, how can you bend the law for personal gain? There are many people watching here, so you are not afraid of spreading the word and insulting the reputation of the law enforcement team?" Su Yi sneered.

When speaking, the voice was deliberately raised, so that people around could hear it.

"So you don't give any face?"

Peng Liheng's eyes turned cold, and he snorted coldly, "Since you said Wu Yingxiong bullied the weak, do you have evidence?"

Wu Yingxiong has committed many crimes, he is clear about this.

But to convict Wu Yingxiong, we can't just rely on words, we need conclusive evidence.

Without evidence, Su Yi had nothing to do with Wu Yingxiong.

"They are all witnesses."

Su Yi pointed at the three of Cao Qinglang and said calmly.

"I can testify."

Cao Qinglang said firmly.

Peng Liheng said disdainfully: "They are all your people, so you can't count them."

"That's the truth."

Su Yi nodded, and then said: "Don't worry, I still have evidence. When Captain Cheng comes, I will naturally show it."

Before that, he saved a hand and recorded the scene where the Qingshi gang forced the old man with a rickety head.

When the time comes, the evidence will be overwhelming, what else can Peng Liheng say?
"Is there any evidence?"

Peng Liheng was a little confused.

But at this moment, another group of law enforcement officers flooded into the courtyard, led by Cheng Hai.

When he saw that Peng Liheng was there, Cheng Hai was slightly taken aback, but he didn't care too much.

He quickly came to Su Yi's side and asked, "Su Yi, what's going on?"

Su Yi smiled slightly, and told the whole story of the future, including Peng Liheng's pleading for Wu Yingxiong.

Hearing this, Cheng Hai's eyes lit up immediately.

Normally, he and Peng Liheng fought openly and secretly, but now is a great opportunity to suppress Peng Liheng.

"Arrest everyone!"

Mu Ran, Chenghai spoke.

The law enforcement team members who followed him here rushed towards the members of the Qingshi gang.

"Brother-in-law, save me!"

Wu Yingxiong's face turned pale, and he called for help to Peng Liheng loudly.

Peng Liheng gritted his teeth, and said coldly: "Chenghai, do you have evidence to arrest someone?"

Although he wished Wu Yingxiong to die, he also understood the truth that one prospers all prospers and one loses all.

If Wu Yingxiong is taken away, under the torture of the law enforcement team, he will definitely confess everything.

Then he is finished.

So, no matter what, he wanted to prevent Chenghai from arresting people.

(End of this chapter)

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