Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 239 Crushing Soul Gathering Realm

Chapter 239 Crushing Soul Gathering Realm

"Boy, come here!"

Peng Liheng smirked, stretched out a big hand wrapped in earth-type aura, and grabbed Su Yi's neck.

As early as when he made the move, he had already made plans to attack Su Yi.

This move was not to kill Su Yi, but to take Su Yi as a hostage.

Because there are many warriors stronger than him in Yuancheng, it is impossible for him to escape.

But holding Su Yi in his hands is another matter.

Su Yi has a special status, and no one will ignore it.

Under the sway of the mouse, he can leave Yuancheng safely.

I have to say that his idea is good.

However, a very serious problem was overlooked, that is Su Yi's strength.

"You want to catch me just because you are a piece of trash?"

Su Yi sneered, instead of retreating, he punched Peng Liheng brazenly.


Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

Su Yi actually chose to fight hard steel with the soul-gathering realm warrior. Isn't this hitting a stone with an egg?

"Su Yi, no!"

Cheng Hai was very anxious.

"Su Yi."

Cao Qinglang was so anxious that he was about to cry, and he blamed himself extremely in his heart.

If he had known that things would happen to this point, he would not have called Su Yi over to help.

Now it is tantamount to killing Su Yi.

Just when everyone believed that Su Yi was going to die, the sound of a tiger's roar resounded suddenly.

"what happened?"

Everyone looked at Su Yi dumbfounded.

In the line of sight, Su Yi was wearing a golden armor, like a god of war, and punched Peng Liheng's palm with an unstoppable momentum.

There was a loud bang.

The earth aura on Peng Liheng's palm was crushed by one blow.

Su Yi's punch shattered the soul-gathering realm warrior's aura?

Seeing this scene, everyone was in a trance.

But at this moment, a more terrifying scene appeared.

After Su Yi shattered the earth-type aura, his fist hit Peng Liheng's palm as fast as the wind and with force.


The bone-chilling sound of broken bones suddenly sounded.

But Peng Liheng's palm was exploded all of a sudden, and his entire arm was twisted and broken.

When a cloud of bewitching blood mist surged up, Peng Liheng let out a heart-piercing scream.

The screams were as piercing as a knife, deeply stimulating everyone's heart.


Su Yi volleyed and swept Peng Liheng's face.

After a loud bang, Peng Liheng fell straight to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust and flying all over the sky.

The whole world has also become extremely quiet at this moment.

Everyone was astonished and stood there dumbstruck.

They felt that the scene in front of them was so unreal.

In the situation of Su Yi and Peng Liheng's hard steel, they actually crushed with a crushing force?

You must know that Peng Liheng is a real fighter at the first level of Soul Gathering Realm!

On the other hand, Su Yi definitely didn't advance to Gathering Soul Realm.

Is the level gap a display?

Has the earth aura become so fragile?
Was smashed by a punch?
What kind of monster is Su Yi?

Just when everyone was in a trance, a mobile phone rang suddenly in the courtyard, breaking the silence around them.

Su Yi found out that it was his mobile phone calling, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and connected the call.

"Su Yi, are you going to let me go, kid?"

On the other end of the phone, Li Zhenfeng complained.

Su Yi muran thought that he had an appointment with Li Zhenfeng yesterday, and today he was going to send Jin Linmang off.

"Principal, how dare I let you go? I'm on my way and I'll be right there."

Su Yi was confused and hung up the phone.

Then he greeted Cao Qinglang and Chenghai, and trotted away.

(End of this chapter)

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