Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 242 You Come to Get Things in 5 Days

Chapter 242
Shen Gongyue was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he said excitedly: "Hurry up and translate for me."

"Master Shen, please find me a piece of paper and a pen." Su Yi said.

Although dictation is simple, Shen Gongyue may not remember it, it is better to write it down.

"it is good."

Without hesitation, Shen Gongyue quickly brought the paper and pen and sent them to Su Yi.

Su Yi didn't waste time, and started writing in a hurry.

Flowing like clouds and flowing water, there is no sense of stagnation at all.

Shen Gongyue looked at it in a daze.

After a while, Su Yi sent the written paper to Shen Gongyue, and said with a smile, "Master Shen, take a look."

Shen Gongyue took the paper tremblingly, and looked at it seriously.

Gradually, a look of excitement appeared on his face.

Before, he had also found someone to decipher [Refining True Yuan Technique]. Although he did not decipher all of them, he managed to decipher a small part.

After comparison, it is not bad at all.

This shows that there should be no problem with Su Yi's deciphering.

After reading it, Shen Gongyue expressed sincere gratitude: "Su Yi, thank you!"

[Refining True Yuan Technique] is a mysterious level art of refining, which is extremely important to a refining master.

"Master Shen is polite."

Su Yi smiled.

It was originally just a transaction, he helped Shen Gongyue decipher the ancient text, Shen Gongyue helped him refine the leather armor, each took what he needed, no one owed anything to the other.

Shen Gongyue carefully put away the paper, and asked curiously: "Su Yi, how did you decipher the ancient characters?"

It's amazing to be able to decipher it just by looking at it.

Although he knew that a person's secrets could not be explored at will, he still couldn't hold back.

"An innate talent." Su Yi said naturally.

This kind of explanation has been told to others more than once, and there is no need to hide it.

"There is such a talent?"

Shen Gongyue exclaimed.

Seeing Shen Gongyue's expression, Li Zhenfeng couldn't help but laugh.

When I learned that Su Yi had this kind of talent, wasn't he shocked for no reason?

At this time, Su Yi reminded: "Master Shen, should you help me refine the leather armor?"

"no problem."

Shen Gongyue readily agreed, and then said: "Su Yi, take out Jinlin Mang and let me have a look."

"it is good."

Su Yi quickly opened the [Qiankun Ring], only to see a golden light flash, and a golden boa constrictor ten meters long and as thick as a bucket appeared in the living room.

"It's really golden scales! And it's very intact, at least twenty pieces of leather armor can be refined."

Shen Gongyue glanced at it, and said in amazement: "Su Yi, judging from the size of this Golden Linmang, its strength definitely exceeds the tenth level of the Body Tempering Realm, and even a warrior at the first level of the Soul Gathering Realm can't kill it ,how did you do it?"

"It's not that powerful, is it? I didn't put in much effort at the time."

Su Yi replied casually, then turned his head to look at Li Zhenfeng, with an unpredictable look in his eyes.

That seems to be saying, I can even kill Jin Linmang, why did I lose in your hands?

Li Zhenfeng knew it well, pretended he didn't know anything, his eyes stayed on Jin Linmang, and he didn't pay attention at all.

Shen Gongyue knew that Su Yi was definitely not telling the truth, but he didn't get entangled in this matter, but said: "Su Yi, you come to get things in five days."

For someone else, it would be extremely difficult to refine leather armor from the snake skin of the Golden Scale Mang.

But with his ability, it won't take long.

Five days is already very conservative.

"Alright Master Shen, I'll come back in five days." Su Yi said happily.

It can be refined in five days, faster than he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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