Chapter 251
"Of course!"

Feng Lihen didn't hesitate at all.

"Okay, let's go to the martial arts field."

Su Yi whispered, and walked straight to the martial arts field.

"It's quite capable of pretending."

Feng Lihen curled his lips and followed behind with a hint of disdain.


Liu Qianer's face was full of bitterness.

Su Yi and Feng Lihen, one is her friend and the other is her cousin, no matter who loses or gets injured, she doesn't want to see them.

But when things had come to this, she was powerless to stop it.

I can only pray secretly, and the two of them must not get angry later.

When the three of them walked halfway, they suddenly met a red-faced middle-aged man.

When this person saw Feng Lihen, he asked, "Xiaofeng, where are you going?"

"Second Uncle, I want to compete with him."

Feng Lihen pointed at Su Yi and said.


The red-faced middle-aged man frowned, and said in a surprised voice, "What can you learn from the students of the First Ancient Martial Arts Academy?"

Before coming, he had already inquired that the most powerful student of the First Ancient Martial Arts Academy was named Tan Donghai, but he only had the seventh level of Body Tempering Realm.

Hefeng Lihen is not of the same grade at all.

What's the point of this exchange of ideas?
"Second Uncle, he is not a student of the First Ancient Martial Arts Academy, he is Su Yi from the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy." Feng Lihen reminded.


The red-faced middle-aged man frowned.

Su Yi's name has been heard in Yuancheng recently, so he has naturally heard of it.

It is rumored that Su Yi has repeatedly set records since his rise, and even won the first place in the assessment of counterattacking Yulan City.

The strength is quite sturdy.

Some people even suspected that Su Yi had been promoted to the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm.

There is no doubt that Su Yi is already the number one expert in the three academies in Yuancheng.

It is also possible to compete with this kind of person.

"Be careful, don't hurt anyone." The red-faced middle-aged man warned.

In his opinion, Su Yi was indeed very strong, but no matter how strong he was, he would never be Feng Lihen's opponent.

In addition, Su Yi's status in Yuancheng is quite special, and he is valued by the high-level officials of Yuancheng.

If it is injured, it is not easy to explain.

With this in mind, he felt it was necessary to remind him.

"Second Uncle, don't worry, I'll just teach him a lesson at most, I won't hurt him." Feng Lihen sneered.

The red-faced middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "Forget it, I'll go and have a look."

He knew Feng Lihen's character well, and once he became addicted to beating, he would not be able to control it. If Su Yi was seriously injured, it would be difficult to explain.

The First Ancient Martial Arts Academy Martial Arts Arena.

At this moment, the inside was empty, and there was no one.

Su Yi took a glance and walked straight onto the ring.

"I'm still a little impatient."

Feng Lihen snorted softly and walked up quickly.

When he came to the opposite side of Su Yi, he smiled faintly, "Su Yi, you have no eyes in your fists and feet, and I will beat you to the ground later, so you can't hold grudges against me."

Su Yi glanced at Feng Lihen, and said calmly: "Many people have said this to me before, but without exception, they all ended up lying on the ground."


A sullen look appeared on Feng Lihen's face.

A mere freshman in high school didn't think much of him?

Do you think you can become invincible in the world if you make a little progress on the one-acre-three-point land in Yuancheng?
"Su Yi, your arrogance makes me very uncomfortable. For this reason, I will trample you under my feet and let you understand what a real genius is!"

Feng Lihen said in a deep voice with a stern expression.

(End of this chapter)

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