Chapter 259 Jiang Canyang Calls

Su Yi: Sister Jiang, is there a way to help me enter Wuling Mountain?
Jiang Piaoxue: Su Yi, are you planning to gather five souls at once?
Su Yi: Yes.

Jiang Piaoxue: If it was in the past, it would be fine.But now there is no need for this, because Wuling Mountain's aura is seriously lacking, and a balance cannot be achieved. It is impossible to gather five spirits at once.

Su Yi's face darkened, and he asked, "Aside from Wuling Mountain, is there any other place suitable for gathering multiple souls?"

Jiang Piaoxue thought for a while and replied: I don't know very well, I will ask the elders of the clan later.

Su Yi: Then I will trouble Senior Sister Jiang.

If you can't find a suitable place, you can only choose to gather a single soul.

This has become a very time-consuming task, and the fighting power of a single spirit is also quite different from that of many spirits.

Blue Star's second genius (the second strongest in the future, Li Haoran) suddenly said: Brother-in-law, there are rumors that there is a place full of spiritual energy hidden in the Yuankong Ancient Realm, but it is not known whether it is the spiritual energy of the five elements.

Su Yi suddenly regained his spirits.

Yuankong Ancient Realm is going to go anyway, so I can take the opportunity to look for it.

Later, he chatted about other things in the group, excused something, quit the warm family group, and started watching the warrior forum instead.

After watching for a while, the phone suddenly rang, and it was still an unfamiliar number.

Su Yi hesitated for a moment, then connected the phone.

"Su Yi, I'm Jiang Canyang."

"Uncle Jiang!" Su Yi hurriedly greeted.

Jiang Canyang is his future father-in-law, so he must be respected enough.

"Su Yi, I heard that you tested the spiritual root, or the best five elements spiritual root?" Jiang Canyang asked with a smile.

The better the spiritual root, the stronger the fighting power in the future.

And the five-element best spiritual root is definitely the strongest spiritual root in Blue Star's history.

Su Yi is the son-in-law of the Jiang family, so of course he hopes that Su Yi will be as strong as possible.

"Almost." Su Yi said lightly.

Jiang Canyang didn't think too much about it, he just assumed that Su Yi had admitted it, and then asked, "I heard from Piaoxue that you are going to condense your soul, do you have a suitable exercise?"

Possessing the best spiritual roots of the five elements can't be used to practice casually, one must practice at the mysterious level or above.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of this spiritual root.

"Uncle Jiang, I already have a suitable exercise, and it is above the Xuan level, which matches my spiritual root very well." Su Yi said.

When Jiang Canyang asked this question, he was definitely planning to find a suitable exercise for him.

He already possessed the [Sacred Law of Gathering All Souls], so there was no need to bother Jiang Canyang.

"Cultivation method suitable for five elements spiritual root cultivation?"

Jiang Canyang was very surprised.

Mysterious-level skills are already considered the highest level of skills in Blue Star, and skills suitable for the cultivation of five-element spiritual roots are extremely rare, and they can definitely be regarded as treasures.

Where did Su Yi get it?
Su Yi explained: "I know how to decipher ancient texts, and I got it by chance."

This is not a lie, [Sacred Art of Gathering Souls] was bought in the source city trading market.


Jiang Canyang nodded, and then said: "Su Yi, just ask what resources you lack for cultivation, the Jiang family fully supports you!"

"Thank you, Uncle Jiang."

Su Yi was grateful.

With the extraction ability of the system, he really didn't know what was missing.

But what should be grateful should still be grateful.

"Family, why are you being polite?" Jiang Canyang said with a smile.

Afterwards, the two exchanged a few words and hung up the phone.

Su Yi continued to watch the warrior forum instead.

(End of this chapter)

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