Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 266 Examination of the Mercenary Group

Chapter 266 Examination of the Mercenary Group
"Young Master Su Su!"

Seeing Su Yi for the first time, Deng Han trembled all over.

Ever since he learned of Su Yi's identity, he has been worried for the past few days, for fear of Su Yi's revenge.

After a few days of calm, I thought it was over.

I never thought I ran into Su Yi again.

Instinctively, he thought that Su Yi was here to trouble him.

"You seem a little afraid of me?"

Su Yi reached out and patted Deng Han's shoulder, and said lightly.

"It's over!"

Deng Han's heart skipped a beat.

At first, I thought that Su Yi would shoot him into the ground again like last time.

But it soon became apparent that Su Yi didn't do that, and really just patted him lightly.

Immediately, the tense heart relaxed, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Okay, I'm not joking with you, I'm here to find your cousin, where is he?" Su Yi said with a smile.

Indeed, he did it just for teasing.

"Young Master Su, my cousin is in the office on the second floor. I'll take you there." Deng Han said respectfully.

"No need, go get busy."

Su Yi waved his hand and walked straight to the second floor.

When he came to the office on the second floor, he tapped on the door twice.

"Please come in."

Soon Pei Lin's voice came from the room.

Su Yi pushed the door open and entered.

"Su Yi, why are you here?"

Seeing that it was Su Yi who came, Pei Lin was pleasantly surprised.

"Brother Pei? Are you injured?" Su Yi gave a light snort.

At this moment, Pei Lin's face was bruised and swollen, as if he had just been beaten.

However, Pei Lin is a seventh-level Body Tempering Realm martial artist, and he is in the source city, who can beat him like this?

"It's just a small injury, it's fine."

Pei Lin squeezed out a smile.

"Brother Pei, although we haven't known each other for a long time, we have been through life and death. The last time we formed a team and went out of the city together, I was half a member of the Xingyue Mercenary Corps. Tell me what's going on." Su Yi pressed. road.

He already regarded the Pei Lin brothers and sisters as friends, and of course he couldn't sit idly by when his friends were beaten up.

Pei Lin hesitated for a moment, and said, "Actually, it's not a big deal. The Mercenary Corps, like your academy, will conduct assessments every once in a while."

"The purpose of the assessment is very simple, it is to rank. Today, we were defeated by other mercenary teams in the ranking competition."

"Is there such a thing?"

Su Yi let out a sigh, and then asked: "Brother Pei, ranking is very important to the mercenary group?"

If it's just a false name, it doesn't matter.

If there are real interests involved, you can help fight for it.

"Very important."

Pei Lin nodded and explained: "The mercenary group is also divided into levels, from one to ten. The higher the ranking, the higher the level, and the level is a symbol of honor for a mercenary group. Almost Every time there is an assessment, all the mercenary groups will go all out to strive for a good ranking."

"In addition, in addition to honor, the higher the level of the mercenary group, the more benefits it will get."

"What benefits can you get?" Su Yi asked.

He cares more about substantive things than honor.

Pei Lin explained: "Apart from hunting beasts, the mercenary group spends most of their time at the headquarters of the mercenary group to receive tasks in order to obtain rewards."

"The rewards for posting missions are different. Some rewards are very rich, while others are few. High-level mercenary groups have the right to choose missions first, so the rewards they get will definitely be higher."

(End of this chapter)

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