Chapter 275 You are all ants
"This kid won't be a martial artist at the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm, right?"

Zuo Huahui kicked and became uneasy.

At first, he only thought of Su Yi as someone who could only brag and pretend.

Who would have expected that Su Yi would easily defeat Lan Qiuhua, and his formidable strength could be seen at a glance. He should definitely be a martial artist at the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm.

Pei Lin and Pei Li looked at each other and smiled.

They knew exactly how strong Su Yi was.

Isn't it normal to crush an eighth-level body quencher?There is nothing to be fuss about.

"This Su Yi is probably not as simple as the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm."

Ding Jiang looked at Su Yi from a distance, his eyes were shining brightly.

As a Gathering Soul Realm warrior, his vision is sharper.

Su Yi threw Lan Qiuhua away with such ease that he didn't seem to have even exerted half of his strength.

This point is absolutely impossible for a tenth-level Body Tempering Realm warrior.

So, what is Su Yi's cultivation?
When did such a monstrous existence appear in Yuancheng?
"No wonder you dare to challenge the Senluo Mercenary Group."

Ding Jiang withdrew his gaze and murmured thoughtfully.

The Xingyue mercenary group has Su Yi's hole card, and they are indeed qualified to compete with the Senluo mercenary group.

Then can Su Yi overthrow the entire Senluo Mercenary Group by himself?
Ding Jiang looked forward to it.

"Boss, let me go this time, I will give Lan Qiuhua a sigh of relief!"

Among the Senluo mercenary group, a middle-aged man with a face like a plate was gearing up.

His name is Luo Yang, and he is also a martial artist at the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm.

"Teach him a lesson, but don't cripple him." Bao Jingshan nodded slightly.

Although Su Yi is powerful, he should be a martial artist in the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm, but he is young after all.

How can it compare with Luo Yang, who has rich combat experience?

"Lao Luo, be careful, this kid is weird." Lan Qiuhua reminded.

Although she was very unwilling and annoyed to be defeated by Su Yi, she had to admit Su Yi's strength.

"Hehe. Just look at it."

Luo Yang grinned grimly, and strode towards Su Yi.

"Luo Yang is in battle!"

"This kid is going to suffer!"

Suddenly there was a commotion all around.

Luo Yang, who has cultivated at the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm, is the second strongest member of the Senluo Mercenary Corps.

Even in the entire source city, it can still rank high.

If he took action himself, Su Yi would definitely lose.

"Luo Yang, kill him!"

Zuo Huahui clenched his hands tightly, roaring inwardly.

"Boy, you are able to defeat Lan Qiuhua, you do have a bit of pretentious capital, but facing me, Luo Yang, you can only be considered unlucky!"

Luo Yang came up close, squinted his eyes at Su Yi, and a look of disdain suddenly appeared on his face.

"In my eyes, there is no difference between you and Lan Qiuhua, they are just ants."

Su Yi said calmly.

Is it possible for a mere tenth-level body quencher to find a sense of presence in front of him?
"You look down on me?"

Luo Yang's mouth twitched.

A flame of anger blazed in his chest.

What warriors value most is face, how could Su Yi dare to humiliate him face to face?

"What's the use of being angry? If you want to gain the respect of others, you have to show your strength. If you don't have the strength to pretend to be aggressive in front of others, you can only make people laugh."

Su Yi curled his lips and smiled faintly.

"you wanna die!"

Luo Yang was about to explode.

He has a fiery temper, how could he endure being humiliated by Su Yi again and again?
Mu Ran, like a mad lion, pounced on Su Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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