Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 284 Are You Going To Steel Me?

Chapter 284 Are You Going To Steel Me With Me?

"Dong dong!"

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Su Yi opened the door, and Cao Qinglang walked in with a smirk, "Su Yi, what do you want to give me?"

"Look at it."

Su Yi casually threw the leather armor to Cao Qinglang.

Cao Qinglang opened it, and when he saw the golden scales on it, his expression suddenly changed, and he lost his voice: "This is a leather armor made of golden scale snake skin!"

"gave it to you."

Su Yi smiled and nodded.

Cao Qinglang took a deep breath, turned to Su Yi, and said seriously: "Su Yi, is this leather armor given by your wife? How dare I want it."

The leather armor made of Jinlinmang is not to mention expensive, and it is very rare, there is no sale in Yuancheng.

It took it for granted that it was given by Su Yi's wife.

The expression on Su Yi's face suddenly froze, he slowed down for a while, squinted at Cao Qinglang, and said in a low voice: "Old Cao, do you feel that your cultivation has improved very fast recently, and plan to challenge me?"

Cao Qinglang came as soon as he opened his mouth, as if he was able to achieve what he is today because of having a daughter-in-law.

Completely negates his efforts.

Still, as always, treat him as someone who eats soft food.

Who will you not be angry if you put it on?
Cao Qinglang realized that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly explained: "It's all a conditioned reflex, and it's also a joke, don't take it seriously."

"Next time I will give you a conditioned reflex with my fist."

Su Yi snorted softly, and said angrily, "I've given you something, go back, I'm too lazy to look at you."

Cao Qinglang smiled foolishly, moved closer to Su Yi, and asked, "Su Yi, where did you get this leather armor?"

The leather armor made of golden-scaled mang snake skin is not an ordinary thing.

How did Su Yi get it?

If it costs a lot, he is embarrassed to ask for it.

"You know the golden scale in the misty forest, right? I killed it." Su Yi said casually.


Cao Qinglang gasped, with a look of surprise on his face.

Rumor has it that the Golden Scale Mang in the misty forest has completely surpassed the tenth level of the Body Tempering Realm. Dozens of mercenary regiments wanted to hunt it down, but none of them succeeded, and suffered heavy damage.

Su Yi killed Jin Linmang by himself?

However, he immediately thought that Su Yi was the one who could kill Peng Liheng with a single punch, and killing a golden-scaled mang was not easy.

Thinking of this, he was relieved.

Later, the two chatted for a while about other things, and Cao Qinglang left.

Su Yi returned to the room, just opened the Martial Arts Forum, before he had time to take a look at it, Li Zhenfeng suddenly called.

"Principal, what instruction?"

"Su Yi, it will be the end of the month in a few days, and it is also the day when the trial tower will be opened. You should stay at home honestly these few days, and don't go out to cause trouble for me." Li Zhenfeng warned.

Although Su Yi wasn't the one who caused trouble, what was evil was that no matter where he went, he would always have conflicts with the victim.

Usually it's fine, but now that the trial tower is about to open, he doesn't feel at ease if he doesn't remind him.

"Well, I won't go out these few days."

Su Yi promised, and then said: "Principal, there is nothing else, so I will hang up."

"Wait a moment."

Li Zhenfeng interrupted, then laughed and said, "Su Yi, how many leather armors do you have?"

Su Yi was shocked, and said without thinking: "There is nothing left."

He knew Li Zhenfeng very well, and he could tell from the laughter that Li Zhenfeng wanted to wear leather armor, so of course he would not admit it foolishly.

(End of this chapter)

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