Chapter 291 I will try my best

"I'm going crazy?"

Li Zhenfeng felt disdainful.

Will he do a bad deal?He is not a fool.

"The No. [-] Ancient Martial Arts Academy in Feiyun City has not been taken seriously by our No. [-] Ancient Martial Arts Academy in Yuancheng. This time, I am determined to win it!"

Li Zhenfeng straightened his chest and said proudly.

"Li Zhenfeng, I'll wait!"

Pang Xingyu snorted coldly, turned and left.

Although I have the confidence to win, I still need to prevent the gutter from overturning, and I need to go back and give a good account.

"Li Zhenfeng can really pretend!"

Both Diao Shibo and Liang Wenhan were speechless.

They really don't understand, who gave Li Zhenfeng the courage to say these words?

The relationship between Diao Shibo and Li Zhenfeng is pretty good. After thinking for a while, he walked to Jiang Yunhua's side and whispered: "Principal Jiang, you and Li Zhenfeng are both from Yuancheng, why don't you persuade him?"

"Old Li is very smart. Why persuade him? If you want to persuade him, you must persuade Pang Xingyu." Jiang Yunhua said casually.

With a monster like Su Yi around, is there any reason not to win?

She is very envious of Li Zhenfeng now, not only can he show off, but he can also win things.

It is simply a double gain of fame and fortune.

"You also have so much confidence in Li Zhenfeng?"

Diao Shibo's expression was a bit complicated.

Jiang Yunhua chuckled, "Old Diao, how about we bet once and I will beat Li Zhenfeng to win?"


Diao Shibo's expression froze.

crazy!all crazy!

Li Zhenfeng is just insane, why is Jiang Yunhua also crazy?

Has Yuancheng changed?

"No gambling."

Diao Shibo snorted softly, turned and left.

He didn't want to play with a bunch of lunatics.

"Old Li, please do it yourself."

Liang Wenhan sighed and left with Diao Shibo.

"Just wait and watch the show."

Li Zhenfeng chuckled, then called Su Yi to his side, and said meaningfully: "Su Yi, have you heard it all? Can you express your opinion?"

Whether he can win this gambling fight depends on Su Yi.


Su Yi was at a loss.

He knew everything clearly, but he just wanted to take the opportunity to manipulate Li Zhenfeng.

Who is Li Zhenfeng who often threatens him.

Looking at Su Yi's expression, Li Zhenfeng gritted his teeth with hatred. How could he not know what Su Yi was thinking?
However, Su Yi couldn't be angered at this time, and said with restraint: "The number one in this assessment, help me get it no matter what!"

"It's a bit difficult, after all, I don't have a weapon."

Su Yi said thoughtfully.

"What the hell! Aren't you just as powerful with or without a weapon?"

Li Zhenfeng's chest heaved with anger, but he still said patiently: "I got the first place, the quota to enter the puppet tower, I will help you."

"All right, I'll try my best!" Su Yi nodded.

Li Zhenfeng glanced at Su Yi, then called Xiao Zhanfeng and others to his side, and said: "This trial, you must do your best, and no one will hold me back!"

"Got the headmaster!"

Xiao Zhanfeng and others responded in unison.

"Okay, you guys take a break first."

Li Zhenfeng finished speaking, turned and left.

"Senior Brother Xiao, what shall we do?"

Lu Cheng's face was full of bitterness.

He is only a martial artist in the first level of Body Tempering Realm, he is definitely the bottom of the pack, how many beasts can he kill?

Originally, I just wanted to go through the motions and be a soy saucer.

Who would have expected that Li Zhenfeng would bet against Pang Xingyu.

It's okay if Li Zhenfeng wins, but if they lose, wouldn't they all suffer?

(End of this chapter)

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