Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 295 Calling Grandpa Tells You

Chapter 295 Calling Grandpa Tells You

Su Yi turned a deaf ear to the comments and taunts around him, greeted Tan Donghai and the others, and quickly trotted in one direction.

"You two follow."

Seeing Su Yi leaving, Lin Shaoqi gave instructions to the two students beside him.

"Don't worry, Boss Lin, this kid won't get any benefits."

The two students nodded and quickly chased after Su Yi.

"Fight with me, you are still a little tender."

Lin Shaoqi squinted his eyes with a sinister look.

Their plan was to send a few students to follow Su Yi and the others.

The purpose is simple, to kill the demons and beasts that Su Yi and others encountered.

If you can't kill the beasts and demons, you won't get points.

Without points, there is no doubt that you will lose.

Not long after Su Yi left, students from other colleges also left one after another.

When Xiao Zhanfeng and the others were about to leave, they found four students from Fengyun City No. [-] Ancient Martial Arts Academy closely following them.

"What are you doing with us?"

Xiao Zhanfeng frowned and asked.

"Nothing, just play with you."

A student of Fengyun City's No. [-] Ancient Martial Arts Academy had a teasing look on the corner of his mouth.

"Aren't you too despicable?"

He Yue immediately thought of something and was furious.

The other party was clearly here to make trouble, or to put it simply, to snatch their prey.

Admittedly, there is a competitive relationship between them.

But there is no need to use this method, right?

The student who spoke twitched his mouth and sneered, "Who told you that your strength is not good enough to compare with us? Just consider yourself unlucky!"


Hao Lirong and the three were very angry, but they had nothing to do with each other.

"Don't worry about them, let's go." Xiao Zhanfeng gritted his teeth and said.

Since the other party has made up his mind to pay attention, he will definitely not give up.

It is meaningless to continue to fight, and you will be humiliated by the other party, so you simply ignore it.

On the other side, just as Su Yi left the basin, he suddenly found two students from the No. [-] Ancient Martial Arts Academy in Fengyun City chasing him.

"You two plan to follow me all the time?"

Su Yi stopped and asked in a cold voice.

"The trial tower doesn't belong to your family, can you take care of it?" one of the students said disdainfully.

"Boy, just accept your fate, we are all warriors at the eighth level of Body Tempering Realm, don't even try to kill a single beast of yours today!"

Another student put on a look of being determined by Su Yi, and was extremely arrogant.

"Oh, follow along then."

After figuring out the other party's purpose, Su Yi chuckled.

With his current speed, as long as he exerts his strength, he can get rid of the two of them.

However, he didn't intend to do that.

He is going to the third floor, does the other party still have the ability to go to the third floor?
In addition, he has another purpose.

If you can meet some ferocious beasts and demons at the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm, you can use their hands to knock them out of the trial tower.

From behind, Su Yi went straight towards the teleportation beam leading to the second floor.

On the way, he encountered many demons and beasts, but he never made a move.

The two students of Feiyun City are a little strange. Isn't the purpose of entering the trial tower to hunt ferocious beasts and demons to gain points?

Why didn't Su Yi take action?
One of the round-faced students couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Boy, why don't you kill the beast?"

"You want to know?" Su Yi whispered.


The round-faced student nodded subconsciously.

"Call Grandpa and I'll tell you." Su Yi mocked.

(End of this chapter)

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