Chapter 309 Planting Space
Su Yi glanced at it, quickly took it off, and then threw it directly into the [Qiankun Ring].

Just as I was about to leave, a very strong feeling surged in my heart again.

"Is there any treasure nearby?"

Su Yi was overwhelmed with surprise, and quickly looked at the surrounding trees.

Instinctively, he thought there were other spiritual fruits.

But after looking at it for a while, I saw that the surrounding trees were bare, and there were no shadows of fruits.

"what exactly is it?"

Su Yi frowned and muttered, inadvertently, when his gaze touched the tree in front of him, the feeling became much stronger.

"Oh it's you."

Su Yi understood.

The tree in front of me can bear spiritual fruit, so its value must be higher than that of spiritual fruit.

Because, if one can be produced, it means that it can continue to bear fruit.

Realizing this, Su held the [Obsidian Meteor Sword] and began to dig.

After a while, all the trees were dug out.

Just as Su Yi was about to put it into the [Qiankun Ring], a strong feeling surged in his heart again.

"Is there anything else good?"

Su Yi couldn't calm down anymore, and searched around again.

This time, like last time, I searched around, but found nothing.

Even using the [Eye of Illusion], there was no clue.

"Where is it hidden?"

Su Yi's eyes revealed a look of deep thought.

The ability to sense treasures resonates, which means that there are definitely treasures nearby, which is unmistakable.

And if there is no one around, you can only be by your side.

"Could it be hidden underground?"

Thinking of this, Su Yi looked down at his feet.

When his eyes fell on the tree pit, the feeling became a little stronger.

"Sure enough, it's underground."

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched, he jumped into the tree pit and started digging.

Just extracted the hole punching ability of the rodent, which came in handy.

I saw Su Yi inserting his hands into the soil and turning it over, and the soil under the ground kept flying.

In less than 5 minutes, a passage seven or eight meters deep has been dug.

At this time, a ring shining with blue light appeared in front of Su Yi's eyes, the appearance of which was the same as [The Ring of Universe].

Moreover, there are some small ancient characters engraved on it.

Through the deciphering of [Pupil of Enlightenment], Su Yi learned that this ring is called [Linlang Ring], and the space is also [-] square meters.

In addition, [Linlang Jie] and [Qiankun Jie] are still different in essence.

[Qiankun Ring] is a simple storage ring, to put it bluntly, it is a storage space.

And [Lin Lang Jie] is used to grow things, simply put, it is a planting space.

Moreover, it also has the function of accelerating the plant growth cycle, which can shorten the time by ten times.

Su Yi is very satisfied with 【Lin Lang Jie】.

I even thought that some food crops could be planted in it in the future, which is equivalent to having an extra mobile granary.

Later, he recognized the Lord with a drop of blood, put [Linlang Ring] on his finger, transplanted the small tree into it, and quickly left the valley.

This trip into the valley, he extracted a pupil technique and hole punching ability, harvested a ring, a spiritual fruit and a spiritual tree, and made a lot of money.

However, the most concerned [Liuyun Feiying] has not been found yet, so he has to work harder.

Later, Su Yi speeded up his search and galloped across the third floor of the trial tower.

On the way, he encountered demons and beasts, and killed them casually.

If you can't find it, you won't deliberately look for it.

(End of this chapter)

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