Chapter 325 Reconnection

"I still underestimate Su Yi."

Gu Yiting secretly looked at Su Yi, her eyes sparkling.

"Ha ha!"

Li Zhenfeng laughed wantonly, then turned to Pang Xingyu, and said sarcastically, "Pang Xingyu, what else do you have to say?"

Although Su Yi and Pang Xingyu only fought one move, they were tied.

But Pang Xingyu's use of the third-level strength of the Gathering Soul Realm has already been regarded as a defeat.

If you still want to quibble, don't even think about messing around in Blue Star in the future.

Pang Xingyu was stunned for a while, and finally sighed deeply, "I lost, and I will give you the things."

After finishing the words, he roared at Lin Shaoqi and other students again, "Let's go!"

Today, it can be said that it is really embarrassing to throw it at grandma's house. How can I have the face to stay here?
Lin Shaoqi and other students did not dare to say a word, followed behind Pang Xingyu disheartened, and left the martial arts arena in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Diao Shibo and Lang Wenhan walked to Li Zhenfeng's side, and said with a smile: "Old Li, you actually have such a monstrous student, who is hidden deep enough, and Lao Pang has been tricked by you."

"It's that guy who overestimated himself and insisted on fighting with me." Li Zhenfeng chuckled.

"Pang Xingyu is fighting with you?"

Diao Shibo and Lang Wenhan looked at each other, both a little speechless.

It was obvious that Li Zhenfeng had dug a hole and let Pang Xingyu jump into it, and he acted like a good boy when he got a bargain.

"Old Diao, I need your help with something."

Li Zhenfeng put away his smile and said seriously.

"What's the matter?" Diao Shibo asked.

"Isn't the puppet tower of your academy going to open? I plan to let Su Yi participate." Li Zhenfeng said.

Help Su Yi enter the puppet tower, which has been agreed before.

Su Yi has just demonstrated enough strength, which will definitely attract Diao Shibo's attention.

Diao Shibo will definitely save face if he brings it up at this time.

"The Puppet Tower will open at the end of next month. If Su Yi wants to participate, there is no problem at all." Diao Shibo readily agreed.

Su Yi is too monstrous, and it can be predicted that he will become a blue star superpower in the future.

It is even possible to stand shoulder to shoulder with the three powerhouses.

There is no loss for Su Yi to enter the puppet tower, and he can befriend Su Yi, of course he is willing.

"Thank you, Principal Diao."

Su Yi was overjoyed and grateful.

"You're welcome." Diao Shibo smiled.

"Several principals, let's go to my office and let these students take the opportunity to communicate." Xiao Zhanfeng suggested.


Liang Wenhan and others had no objections.

"Su Yi, wait for me here, don't cause trouble."

Li Zhenfeng gave a warning, and left with Xiao Zhenxiong.

Liang Wenhan and Diao Shibo also explained a few words to the students of their respective colleges, and emphasized that they can make friends with Su Yi.

After Xiao Zhenxiong and others left, students from the two academies of Fengsha City and Qinglong City sent several representatives to greet Su Yi.

Although it was just a few simple greetings, they were quite familiar with each other.

Su Yi didn't mind this.

Because whether it was the Thunderstorm Tower of the Second Ancient Martial Arts Academy in Fengsha City or the Puppet Tower of the First Ancient Martial Arts Academy in Qinglong City, he wanted to enter.

It is also good to know in advance.

After the students from the two colleges finished greeting Su Yi, Gu Yiting stepped forward, "Su Yi, give me your mobile phone number."

Later, if the two want to form a team to enter the God of War Tower, they must leave their contact information.

"it is good."

Su Yi nodded, and exchanged cell phone numbers with Gu Yiting.

"I'll contact you later, I'm leaving." Gu Yiting said softly.

"Bon voyage, Senior Sister Gu." Su Yi replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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