Chapter 339 Exchange

The gray-clothed old man nodded slightly, and then said apologetically: "Little classmate, I'm sorry, this pill furnace is of great use to me, so I can't transfer it to you."

Su Yi had expected this.

After all, the other party bought the alchemy furnace first, and I have nothing to do with the other party.

Even if the other party does not transfer, it is a very normal thing.

However, he didn't give up, and continued, "Old man, I can buy it at double the price, or use other things to offset it."

He not only has more than 1000 million blue star coins, but also more than a dozen pieces of golden scale leather armor.

The golden scale mang leather armor has a strong defensive ability, and the price of one piece is as high as more than 200 million blue star coins.

Although the black alchemy furnace is a treasure, the old man in gray probably doesn't know about it.

Therefore, in his opinion, whether it is to spend blue star coins or exchange with a piece of leather armor, most of the gray-clothed old man will agree.

The old man in gray shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't lack blue star coins, you should give up the idea of ​​exchanging them."

"Old man, I can exchange it with other things, it doesn't matter if you listen to it." Su Yi still didn't give up.

Seeing Su Yi's insistence, the gray-clothed old man chuckled, "Then I'll hear what it is."

Su Yi said quickly: "I can take out a piece of golden scale leather armor in exchange."

"Golden scale mang leather armor?"

The old man in gray was slightly moved.

The defensive power of the Golden Scale Mang Leather Armor is very strong, even a warrior in the Gathering Soul Realm can use it.

It was beyond his expectation that Su Yi could offer such a good thing in exchange.

Cao Qinglang next to him was a little dumbfounded.

He didn't understand why Su Yi did this.

The value of the golden scale mang leather armor is obviously higher than that of the pill furnace.

Wouldn't it be a big loss if they exchanged it?

Originally, he wanted to dissuade him.

But thinking of Su Yi's ability to search for treasures, he can find some treasures every time, so he doesn't need to say more.

"Old man, do you agree?" Su Yi asked with some expectation.

"Little classmate, you are very sincere."

The gray-clothed old man nodded, then said embarrassingly: "Exchanging the golden-scaled leather armor for this pill furnace is indeed enough, but I still can't exchange it with you."

Su Yi frowned slightly, pondered for a while, and asked: "Old man, can you tell me the reason?"

Since I met this alchemy furnace, it means that there is fate, so how can I let it go easily?

"I plan to exchange this pill furnace for a pill."

The gray-clothed old man chuckled, and then explained: "A few years ago, I was seriously injured in a fight with a fierce beast, and I never recovered, which caused my cultivation to stagnate. To completely recover, the only way to recover completely is to take Yun Only the panacea will do."

"Who do you plan to exchange for Yunling Pill with, senior?" Su Yi asked.

Yunling Pill is very important to the gray-clothed old man, and it is impossible to exchange it for the pill furnace from him.

But the next best thing is to exchange it with someone who has Yunling Pill.

"It's okay to tell you."

The old man in gray said with a smile: "His name is Wen Haomiao, he is the number one alchemist in Fengyi City, only he can refine Yunling Pill."

"However, Wen Haomiao has started to cultivate his mind and nature in recent years. He seldom refines pills and does not sell them to others. Therefore, he can't buy them with blue star coins. Instead, he takes out some top-level spiritual materials, or rare ones. Weird things, he might exchange them."


Su Yi suddenly realized.

Since Wen Haomiao is an alchemist, he must have a soft spot for alchemy furnaces.

The black pill furnace looks different, maybe it can be exchanged for a Yunling pill.

(End of this chapter)

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