Chapter 345

"Old Mao, you know the value of Yunling Pill, what can you exchange for it?" Wen Haomiao asked.

Mao Jiazhi smiled and said, "It's not me who exchanged with you, it's Su Yi."

Wen Haomiao turned to look at Su Yi. When he saw Su Yi holding a strange pill furnace, his eyes lit up, and he subconsciously said, "Su Yi, are you going to exchange the pill furnace with me?"

After saying that, he didn't wait for Su Yi to reply, and continued, "Although this pill furnace is a bit different, I have to take a look first."

"Master Wen misunderstood, I am not exchanging with you with a pill furnace, I have a better exchange method." Su Yi smiled.

I came here mainly for the alchemy furnace, so how could I exchange it with Wen Haomiao?
"It's not a pill furnace? Then what do you exchange for it?" Wen Haomiao was a little strange.

"I can decipher ancient texts."

Su Yi smiled lightly, and then said, "Master Wen has undeciphered alchemy recipes? I'll decipher the alchemy recipes for you, and you will give me Yunling Pill. What's the deal?"

"Can you decipher the ancient text?"

Wen Haomiao's eyeballs popped out all of a sudden, and his voice trembled even more.

He does have two ancient alchemy formulas in his hand, and he has been looking for someone to decipher them in recent years, but no one has succeeded without exception.

The value of Danfang, especially the ancient Danfang, is self-evident.

It is too important for an alchemist.

If Su Yi could really decipher it, let alone exchange for one Yunling Pill, even a few more would be fine.

But the point is, can Su Yi really decipher it?
"Su Yi, are you serious?"

Wen Haomiao took a deep breath, calmed down, and asked.

"Any ancient text can be deciphered, 100% correct." Su Yi affirmed.

Having [Pupil of Enlightenment] is such self-confidence.


Wen Haomiao muttered.

Although Su Yi said it firmly, he still felt a little unbelievable.Then he turned to Mao Jiazhi, hoping to get an answer from Mao Jiazhi.

Mao Jiazhi has never seen Su Yi's ability, so what answer can he give?
However, out of his trust in Su Yi, he still said, "Old Wen, let Su Yi try it and you'll know."


Wen Haomiao gritted his teeth and said.

Whether or not Su Yi has the ability to decipher ancient characters can only be known after verification.

After saying that, he carefully took out a yellowed animal skin from his pocket, put it in front of Su Yi, and said softly, "Su Yi, try it."

Su Yi took it over and scanned it carefully, and suddenly said lightly, "Isn't it the silver oyster script?"

Before that, he also deciphered many characters, but without exception, all of them were silver oyster characters.

However, there is an essential difference between the writing on the animal skin and the silver oyster writing, which seems to be more esoteric.

When he heard that Su Yi knew about the silver oyster script, Wen Haomiao suddenly regained his spirits, and explained: "Su Yi, these are some Jinque scripts, which are more mysterious than the silver oyster script, and are several times more difficult to decipher."

"Golden Que Wen?"

Su Yi groaned, his eyes flickered with light.

Generally speaking, the more difficult it is to decipher, the higher the value it has.

So what kind of prescription will be recorded on this animal skin?
Su Yi was looking forward to it.

"Su Yi, are you sure?" Wen Haomiao was a little nervous.

"It might work."

Su Yi nodded.

Although it is the first time to decipher the Jinque script, [Pupil of Mingwu] claims to be able to decipher any script in the world, so it should not be a big problem.

"Su Yi, when will you decipher it?"

Seeing that Su Yi was still so confident, Wen Haomiao was excited.

(End of this chapter)

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