Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 348 Li Zhenfeng is an alchemist

Chapter 348 Li Zhenfeng is an alchemist

Wen Haomiao nodded, and said in a low voice: "Su Yi, you should know the value of this Dan Dan prescription, so I hope you know it yourself, and don't publicize it."

He also planned to exchange the formula of Shouyuan Pill for something he liked. If Su Yi publicized it, everyone would know that the formula of Shouyuan Pill would lose its value.

"Master Wen, don't worry, I will never spread the word." Su Yi assured.

A good thing must be that the fewer people know about it, the better. Of course he won't spread it.

"That's good."

Wen Haomiao smiled.

"Master Wen, let's leave first if we have nothing else to do," Su Yi said.

The purpose of this trip has been achieved, and there is no need to waste time here.

"Su Yi, I still want to make another deal with you."

Wen Haomiao pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth and said.

"What deal?"

Su Yi frowned.

"I want you to help me decipher another pill formula. I will give you a Yunling pill as a reward, or you can use other pills instead." Wen Haomiao said seriously.

In addition to the pill formula of Shouyuan Pill, he also has another pill formula that has not been deciphered.

It's just that this prescription is recorded in silver oyster script.

However, the pill recipe recorded in the silver oyster script is definitely not as valuable as the pill recipe in the Jinque script, and it is reasonable to give a Yunling pill as a reward.

"Master Wen, although I can easily decipher the ancient text, it is a very exhausting task, so I will ask for some reward." Su Yi said slowly.

With [Pupils of Enlightenment], deciphering the ancient text is just a matter of looking at it. It will not take long, nor will it consume much mind.

The reason why I say this is also to ask for things.

"It should all be."

Wen Haomiao smiled and said, "What do you need?"

Deciphering ancient texts is indeed a very exhausting task.

Originally, he didn't intend to keep Su Yibai busy.

"Master Wen, I don't want Yunling Pill, I want a prescription of Yunling Pill." Su Yi said.

Considering that he will develop into an alchemist in the future, it is necessary to have more alchemy recipes in hand.

In Blue Star, apart from pills for improving cultivation, healing pills are the most sought-after.

And Yunling Pill is the top healing medicine, its value is self-evident.

"Dan Fang?"

Wen Haomiao frowned slightly.

The value of a Yunling Pill is far higher than that of a pill.

Because the prescription of Yunling Pill has been circulated in Blue Star for a long time, and many forces have it, which has greatly reduced its value.

In addition, alchemy recipes are what alchemists need, and Su Yi is definitely not an alchemist at such a young age.

So what do you want Danfang to do?
This made him feel very strange.

Su Yi explained with a smile: "Master Wen doesn't know something. Our principal is also an alchemist. He likes to collect all kinds of alchemy recipes. I helped him ask for them."

"The principal is an alchemist?" Cao Qinglang looked suspicious.

It stands to reason that with Li Zhenfeng's character, if he were an alchemist, he would have already publicized it everywhere.

How has he never heard of it?
"Li Zhenfeng is an alchemist?"

Wen Haomiao let out a light snort.

He had heard of Li Zhenfeng's name.

Li Zhenfeng is the principal of the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy in Yuancheng, and he is also a spiritual cultivator of the fire element, so he does have the possibility of becoming an alchemist.

But it may not mean that you can become an alchemist.

"Master Wen, our principal is indeed an alchemist." Su Yi affirmed.

Li Zhenfeng is at most a half-hearted alchemist, and he can't even refine Qi and Blood Pill.

Anyway, no one else knew about it, so they simply pushed it on Li Zhenfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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