Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 351 Su Lin Requests to Join the War

Chapter 351 Su Lin Requests to Join the War
Jiang Yunhua nodded, "Rushing to the rescue will definitely come to the rescue, and because of the severe situation, I'm afraid even warriors at the Qi and blood level will participate this time."

"All warriors at the Qi and blood level will participate?"

The expressions of Tan Donghai and others became more serious.

Qi and blood warriors haven't tempered their bones yet, so once they are attacked, they are easy to die.

Jiang Yunhua comforted: "You don't have to worry too much. Our source city's ability is limited after all. Even if we rush to help, we will only rush to help some small cities. And the devils who attack small cities can only be at the soul-gathering state. You just need to be careful. There should be no problem."

"Principal Jiang, which city will we rush to help?" Su Yi asked.

"How to arrange the specific arrangements, we need to discuss with the senior officials of Yuancheng before there will be a result. You can wait at ease first." Jiang Yunhua replied.

The reason why they rushed back so quickly was to attend the high-level meeting of Yuancheng.

After all, she is also a member of Yuancheng Presbyterian Church.


Su Yi nodded, and closed his eyes to rest.

It's useless to worry now, it's better to recharge your batteries.

Tan Donghai and the others didn't feel sleepy at all, they gathered together and whispered.

Wang Honghai drove the base car in the Chaoyuan City situation where the speed was fast, and he almost brought the speed of the base car to the extreme.

Near the evening, he finally returned to Yuancheng and stopped at the gate of the Second Ancient Martial Arts Academy.

"Go back and prepare first, and wait for the notice."

Jiang Yunhua gave a warning and left quickly.

"Understood, Principal Jiang." Everyone responded in unison.

Su Yi greeted the others, and went home with Cao Qinglang.

On the way, Su Yi asked: "Old Cao, do you have any weapons?"

In the future, no matter which city is rushing to help, Cao Qinglang will definitely participate.

Facing the ferocious devil, it is definitely not possible without weapons.

If Cao Qinglang didn't have a weapon, he would take Cao Qinglang to a weapon shop to pick one out.

"Su Yi, I have a weapon. It's a saber. The quality is not bad." Cao Qinglang said.

That saber belonged to his father Cao Xuan, but Cao Xuan was seriously injured in a battle with a fierce beast and couldn't continue to practice, so he left this saber to Cao Qinglang.

"Okay then, let's go straight home."

Su Yi nodded.

When I got home, Li Caihua was cooking in the kitchen. Seeing Su Yi coming back suddenly, she stepped forward and asked strangely, "Xiaoyi, why did you come back so soon?"

In the morning, Su Yi told her that he would stay in Fengyi City for a few days, why did he come back in less than a day?
"Mom, this assessment has been cancelled, so there's no need to stay any longer." Su Yi made an excuse.

In order to avoid Li Caihua's worry, he did not explain the large-scale attack of the demons.


Li Caihua didn't think too much, and turned back to the kitchen.

Just as Su Yi opened the door and entered the room, Su Lin followed.

"What's the matter?" Su Yi asked.

"Brother, I saw on the warrior forum that demons are attacking our city, is it true?" Su Lin asked.


Su Yi said directly.

This matter was learned from Jiang Yunhua's mouth, and it was absolutely unmistakable.

"I heard that Yuancheng will organize armed forces to help, and warriors at the Qi and blood level can also sign up, so I want to participate too." Su Lin secretly looked at Su Yi and said weakly.


Su Yi flatly refused.

It is too dangerous for warriors in the Qi and blood realm to participate in the fight with the devil, and they will die at every turn.

He only has a younger sister like Su Lin, so he definitely doesn't want Su Lin to take risks.

(End of this chapter)

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