Chapter 353 True Strength
Second, [Wujin Panlong Furnace] contains a trace of Panlong True Flame.

Panlong True Flame can not only increase the power of the fire aura, but also stabilize the fire aura, which is very valuable.

Because when using fire aura to refine elixir, the fire aura is prone to fluctuations.

This will lead to alchemy failure.

With a trace of Panlong True Flame, this kind of situation can be prevented, thereby increasing the success rate of alchemy.

"It really is a treasure furnace!"

Su Yi was very satisfied with [Wujin Panlong Furnace], and almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

And with the alchemy furnace, as long as the fire soul is condensed, you can move towards alchemy.

Later, Su Yi put [Wujin Panlong Furnace] into [Qiankun Ring], then took out his mobile phone and opened the warrior forum.

At this time, on the warrior forum, there are all posts about the invasion of demons.

Su Yi randomly clicked on one to watch.

After not watching for a while, Li Zhenfeng suddenly called.

"Headmaster, what's the matter?"

Su Yi quickly connected the phone.

"Su Yi, I'm asking you something, you must tell the truth." Li Zhenfeng said seriously.


Su Yi agreed.

"At most, how many levels can you compete with a demon in the Gathering Soul Realm?" Li Zhenfeng asked tentatively.

The day before yesterday, Su Yi's hard steel Pang Xingyu did not fall behind and showed sufficient strength.

But after all, it was only one move, which was not enough to see Su Yi's true strength.

And once life and death are fought, can Su Yi still be an opponent at the third level of Soul Gathering Realm?

This is very important and must be understood.

"It shouldn't be a big problem to fight against the fourth-level demons of the Gathering Soul Realm." Su Yi thought for a while and replied.

On the premise of not using thunder spirit energy, his strength is not lower than that of a third-level martial artist in the Soul Gathering Realm.

And once the thunder spirit energy is used, the strength will soar a lot.

What's more, there is a thunder-type divine weapon [Zixiao Qinglei Sword] in hand, which can double the lethality of thunder's aura, and it is really not difficult to deal with fourth-level demons in the Soul Gathering Realm.


Li Zhenfeng was shocked.

At first, he thought that it would be great for Su Yi to be able to compete against the devil in the third level of the Gathering Soul Realm.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi actually said that he could fight against the fourth-level demons of the Gathering Soul Realm.

Doesn't this mean that the current Su Yi is no longer under him?
"Su Yi, the matter is very important, don't fool me. It's not like I didn't miss the fight between you and Pang Xingyu the day before yesterday."

Li Zhenfeng didn't quite believe it, and felt a little incredible.

"I hid my strength that day."

Su Yi smiled, and then provocatively said: "Principal, why don't we do two tricks to let you see my true strength?"

The last time, Li Zhenfeng bullied him, and it still haunts him.

If Li Zhenfeng dares to agree, he doesn't mind letting Li Zhenfeng feel crushed.

"Just you?"

Li Zhenfeng smiled contemptuously, and said bluntly: "Although I am only at the fourth level of the Soul Gathering Realm, my real combat power is far superior to the same level. Even at the fifth level of the Soul Gathering Realm, I may not be able to defeat me. You are not humiliating yourself by fighting me? "

These words were very forceful, and it was a response to Su Yi's provocation.

However, he dared not agree to Su Yi's challenge.

Based on his understanding of Su Yi, if Su Yi dared to say these words, he must have full confidence.

If he really agreed, he would probably be the one to bring shame on himself.

"You can die if you don't pretend?"

Su Yi clicked his tongue secretly, then smiled and said: "Principal, it's okay, anyway, I was crushed by you last time, and it's not a shame to be defeated by you again."


Li Zhenfeng's face was dark.

Didn't I just crush you once, so I need to hold on to you?Want revenge?
I just don't give you this chance.

If you don't give it now, you won't give it later!
(End of this chapter)

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