Chapter 355 Departure
"Others will be notified later. As for the meeting place, it is arranged in Xiwai City. We will gather at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning." Li Zhenfeng replied.

Su Yi nodded slightly, and then asked: "Principal, which two mercenary teams are?"

He is most familiar with the Xingyue Mercenary Group, and if possible, he hopes that the Xingyue Mercenary Group can join.

"Sen Luo Mercenary Group and Xingyue Mercenary Group." Li Zhenfeng said with a smile.

The members of the mercenary group are rebellious and unruly, and it is difficult to obey management.

And it was Su Yi's first time as a team leader, so naturally he had to find two good mercenary teams for him.

In this way, Su Yi's pressure can also be reduced.

"That's good." Su Yi said happily.

Needless to say the relationship between Xingyue Mercenary Group and him.

The Senluo mercenary group is the second most powerful mercenary group in Yuancheng, and he and Bao Jingshan are also familiar with each other.

Last time, it was Bao Jingshan who helped teach the imperial mercenary group a lesson.

Li Zhenfeng was quite satisfied with this arrangement.

"Su Yi, do you have anything else to ask?" Li Zhenfeng reminded.

Su Yi really had something to do, and said directly: "Principal, what level is the strongest demon who attacked Sanqing City?"

This is very important, in case there are demons from the Illusory Spirit Realm, they are going to die.

"The strongest one is at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm, but the number is uncertain." Li Zhenfeng thought for a while and replied.


Su Yi was relieved a lot.

With his current strength, it is not a problem to reach the fourth level of the Hard Steel Gathering Soul Realm.

And if [Liuyun Fengying] can be cultivated to a great success, coupled with the [Death Gaze] hole card, it is even possible to kill the devil at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm.

Li Zhenfeng warned: "Su Yi, although your strength is very strong, you must not be too strong!"

Su Yi is too important to Yuancheng, once something goes wrong, they can't bear it.

He was really afraid that Su Yi's brain would get hot and put himself in danger.

"Understood, Headmaster."

Su Yi replied.

"Okay, get ready and get some rest early." Li Zhenfeng hung up the phone.

Later, Su Yi watched the warrior forum for a while, and then began to study [Liuyun Fengying].

Going to Sanqing City is also considered to be full of dangers, one more hole card, and one more means to save one's life.

In the middle of the night, Su Yi finally studied [Liu Yun Feng Ying] thoroughly.

Then he spread his wings and flew to Nanwai City.

When he came to an open space, he began to cast [Flying Clouds and Flying Shadows].

After an hour, I was basically proficient, and then I returned home.

The next morning, I had breakfast.

Su Yi and Li Caihua explained the situation, and then went out with Su Lin.

Downstairs, Cao Qinglang had already arrived. When he saw Su Lin wearing a silver armor, he asked in surprise, "Su Lin, where did you buy the armor?"

The battle armor that Su Lin wears was given by Jiang Piaoxue. It is made of a kind of silk and several kinds of precious metals. outperformed.

"My sister-in-law gave it, isn't it pretty?" Su Lin said proudly.

"it's beautiful!"

Cao Qinglang praised, then turned to look at Su Yi, and said with envy: "Su Yi, your wife is really rich! If only I had such a wife."

"I can take care of you to take the pill, can't I?"

Su Yi's face was gloomy, and he said angrily.

He warned Cao Qinglang more than once or twice, telling Cao Qinglang to be careful when speaking.

Unexpectedly, Cao Qinglang's mouth was not guarded at all.

Talk about things with his wife at every turn.

It seems that I really need to find some time to educate Cao Qinglang.

(End of this chapter)

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