Chapter 364 High-level Meetings
"How many people were killed or injured in Soul Gathering Realm?"

Su Yi's heart was much heavier.

Gathering spirit warriors can be regarded as the mainstay no matter which city they are placed in.

There were so many casualties at once, which shows how tragic this battle was.

"Captain Ke, isn't the strongest person on the demon side only at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm? We don't have such a strong person here?" Su Yi asked a little puzzled.

Although Sanqing City is not a big city, there should be warriors at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm, right?

With the advantage of the city wall, how could there be such a large number of casualties?

Ke Zhenqing was taken aback.

He felt that Su Yi was a little bit contemptuous of the spirit-gathering level [-] devil.

The tone is too loud, right?

However, he didn't think too much about it, and explained: "It is true that the strongest among the demons is the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm, but there are three of them, while we only have two fighters of the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm, which leads to We had this casualty."

"I see."

Su Yi suddenly realized.

In the Gathering Soul Realm, the strength gap between each level is very huge.

There are only two fourth-level warriors of the Soul Gathering Realm on the side of Sanqing City, so they can only resist two demons of the fourth-level Soul Gathering Realm.

The remaining one can only be blocked by warriors at the third level of Soul Gathering Realm.

Casualties are inevitable.

"Su Yi, the military tent in front is where the meeting is held. I'll take you there."

After walking for a few minutes, Ke Zhenqing pointed to a huge green tent not far away and reminded.

"it is good."

Su Yi nodded.

When the two walked to the military tent, Ke Zhenqing explained to the two guards, and then entered the military tent with Su Yi.

There are a total of more than a dozen people in the military tent, discussing something.

When Su Yi and the two walked in, they stopped discussing and looked at Su Yi one after another.

When they saw that Su Yi was very young, probably a student, their eyes became weird.

This place is where the senior management of Sanqing City and the leaders of reinforcements from various cities hold meetings. What is Ke Zhenqing bringing a student in here for?
"Captain Ke, who is this?"

An old man with white beard asked strangely.

His name is Tan Guangyao, he is the lord of Sanqing City, and he is also a martial artist at Lv [-] Soul Gathering Realm.

"The owner of the city, his name is Su Yi, and he is the leader of Yuancheng." Ke Zhenqing explained.


Everyone was stunned.

Yuancheng sent a student as the team leader?

Isn't this too confusing?
"Captain Ke, I see, you go back first."

Tan Guangyao regained his composure, and gave Ke Zhenqing instructions.

Ke Zhenqing is the deputy head of the guard army, so he cannot leave his post for a long time.

If the devil strikes again, it will be troublesome if there is no one in charge.

"Su Yi, I'm leaving first."

Ke Zhenqing and Su Yi greeted each other, then turned and left the military tent.

"Su Yi, sit down first."

Tang Guangyao said with a smile.

Although Su Yi is only a student, he is here to help Sanqing City after all, so he should be more polite.

"Thank you City Lord."

Su Yi randomly found a chair and sat down.

"Su Yi, are you still a student now?"

Tan Guangyao sized Su Yi up and asked calmly.

"I'm a first-year student at the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy in Yuancheng." Su Yi said quietly.

"Just freshman?"

Everyone else shook their heads.

In the first year of high school, even if it is a genius, its cultivation is at most the first level of the Body Tempering Realm, right?

Yuancheng sent a student from the first level of Body Tempering Realm as the team leader. Is there really no one left?

The corner of Tan Guangyao's mouth twitched, and he couldn't hide his disappointment and asked, "Su Yi, how many levels of Body Tempering Realm are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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