Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 372 I'm going to kill him

Chapter 372 I'm going to kill him
"I know the whereabouts of that elf."

But at this moment, Su Yi suddenly yelled.

As soon as this remark came out, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Even those Moguang clansmen who were approaching Sanqing City stopped.

"Boy, where is she? Tell me quickly!"

Zircon was a little excited and asked anxiously.

"I'll go down and tell you." Su Yi said lightly.

"Su Yi, what are you doing?"

Tan Guangyao and the others were full of doubts and did not understand what Su Yi was playing.

Yan Lengshi was even more confused.

Su Yi hadn't even heard of the elves before, and he told them, so how could he know the whereabouts of the elves?
"Su Yi, the battle is about to start, don't mess around!"

Zuo Lunsheng warned with a straight face.

Su Yi ignored him, but came to Tan Guangyao's side and whispered, "City Lord Tan, I'll go down and kill him!"

After the words fell, before Tan Guangyao could reply, he quickly went down the city.

Of course he didn't know the whereabouts of the elves, the purpose was to attract Zircon's attention, and then take the opportunity to kill them.

It's a bit of a risk to do so, but it's totally worth it.

Because of the war together, no matter what the result is, there will be a large number of casualties on the human side.

And if Zircon can be killed, the demon will lose an absolute strongman, and his morale will be greatly affected, and his combat effectiveness will also decline accordingly.

By then, the casualties on the human side will be greatly reduced.


Tang Guangyao was dumbfounded.

Zircon's strength is still higher than Zuo Hesheng, how can Su Yi kill him?

Maybe my little life will be involved.

"Su Yi."

Tan Guangyao was about to speak out to dissuade him, but he saw a blur in front of him, and Su Yi suddenly disappeared.

that feeling.
It was as if a gust of wind was blowing in front of my eyes.

"Such a fast speed, did you use the secret speed technique?" Tan Guangyao was surprised.

On the other side, just as Su Yi went down the city wall, Pei Lin and others surrounded him and asked, "Su Yi, what should we do?"

They already know that there are millers attacking aggressively, but until now, no one has arranged for them to work.

It's okay to wait like this all the time.

"You all go up to the city wall, take care to protect yourself."

Su Yi thought for a while and said.

Even if Zircon is killed, the demon side will not retreat, and it will still be a big battle.

And the main attack position of the devil must be the city gate.

It's safer to be on the city wall.

"Okay, we got it."

Pei Lin nodded, and led the crowd up the city wall.

"Su Lin, be careful."

When Su Lin passed by, Su Yi gave a warning.

"Brother, don't worry."

Su Lin patted the battle armor on her body and said with a smile.

The meaning seems to be saying, I have two defenses, it must be fine.

Su Yi nodded, turned around and walked outside the city gate.

At this time, a large number of guards gathered at the gate of the city, and the deputy head Ke Zhenqing was among them.

When seeing Su Yi approaching, Ke Zhenqing asked with some doubts: "Su Yi, did the city lord arrange for you to come?"

"Captain Ke, the city lord arranged for me to go out and negotiate with the devil." Su Yi smiled faintly.

If he was telling the truth, Ke Zhenqing might not let him out, he might as well just lie.

"The city lord arranged for you to go out?"

Ke Zhenqing was stunned.

Outside the city is an army of tens of thousands of demons, how dangerous it must be to go alone.

Tan Guangyao will arrange this?
Just when Ke Zhenqing lost his mind, Su Yi had already walked out of the city gate.

"Su Yi."

It was too late for Ke Zhenqing to stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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