Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 383 Cao Qinglang is gone

Chapter 383 Cao Qinglang is gone
Su Yi shook his head.

The reason why I didn't want to say it was because I didn't want to shock the three of Su Lin too much.

Blue Star's Second Talent (the future second strongest Jiang Haoran): Brother-in-law, awesome!It is worthy of being the first genius of Blue Star, and the five-body cast that I admire the second day!
Su Yi smiled: You know it yourself, don't spread it everywhere, I will watch the Warrior Forum, you can talk.

After saying this, Su Yi closed the warm family group and opened the warrior forum.

Most of the posts on the warrior forum are related to the invasion of demons.

Su Yi looked at it for a while, and his face gradually became serious.

Today, apart from the great victory of Sanqing City, the other cities that were attacked by the demons suffered heavy damage, and some almost fell.

Moreover, the total number of fallen warriors above Soul Gathering Realm exceeds one hundred.

The heavy loss is the highest in recent years.

However, there is also good news.

Blue Star's three major families have summoned strong men to help them, and I believe it won't be long before the demons can be repelled.

After watching for more than an hour, Su Yi felt a little tired, so he lay down on the paper shell to rest.

Su Lin and the others gathered together, chatting about something.

Su Yi ignored it and rested in peace.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Yi, who was sleeping, suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps.

Being vigilant, he quickly got up to check, only to see that it was Pei Lin walking over, and his expression seemed to be very anxious.

Su Yi walked out of the corner directly.

Su Lin and the others all fell asleep, no matter what happened, they didn't want to disturb them.

"Brother Pei, what's the matter?"

Walking up to Pei Lin, Su Yi asked in a low voice.

Pei Lin nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Su Yi, Cao Qinglang is gone."

"what happened?"

Su Yi's face changed in vain, and he said anxiously.

Isn't Cao Qinglang on vigil?Could it be that he was kidnapped?
"Isn't it time for the handover in the middle of the night? When our people went to the handover, they didn't find Cao Qinglang." Pei Lin explained.

"What about Ling Haotian and Zhao Hongyuan?" Su Yi asked, frowning.

"The three of them each guarded a place, not together. In addition, both of them were there, only Cao Qinglang was missing." Pei Lin said.

"Let's go and have a look first."

Su Yi gritted his teeth.

There are a total of three gates in this factory, each of Cao Qinglang guards one.

Su Yi and Pei Lin quickly walked to one of the gates.

"When our people arrived here, there was no one around, and we couldn't find Cao Qinglang after searching for a while," Pei Lin said.

Su Yi swept around and found no signs of a fight.

Moreover, it is not very far from their resting place, once they fight, it is impossible not to hear them.

"You won't go to the toilet, will you?" Su Yi was a little skeptical.

People have three urgencies, what if Cao Qinglang has diarrhea?
Moreover, the toilet is not in the factory building, but outside the factory building.

"No, we've already looked for it." Pei Lin said quickly.

Su Yi didn't think much about it, and directly took out his mobile phone and dialed Cao Qinglang's number.

However, it didn't work out.

Not shutdown, but no signal.

In Sanqing City, including nearby places outside the city, there are signals.

When this happens, it means that Cao Qinglang is far away from the city.

But Cao Qinglang would not leave the city for no reason.

It must have been taken away, and it was taken away by an extremely powerful person.

Otherwise, you won't be able to hear any movement.

Thinking of this, Su Yi became anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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