Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 385 Help me kill 1 person

Chapter 385 Help Me Kill Someone
Ten minutes later, Su Yi stopped in front of an abandoned factory.

Here is where the location is located.

I saw that the factory was pitch black, revealing a gloomy feeling.

Su Yi stopped for a while, and climbed in from a courtyard wall of the factory.

Although I don't know if there is any danger inside, Cao Qinglang was caught here, even if it was a dragon's pond or a tiger's den, he had to break into it.

The area of ​​this factory is not small, and the yard is overgrown with weeds. Obviously, no one has entered it for a long time.

Su Yi swept his eyes and walked straight to the only factory building.

The gate of the factory building was open, and it was pitch black inside.

Without the slightest hesitation, Su Yi walked into it slowly.

"You are Su Yi, right?"

When Su Yi walked into the factory, a woman's voice came from directly in front, which sounded more pleasant and gentle.

Su Yi snorted softly, "I am Su Yi."

"Come here alone because of a friend, do you think you value love and righteousness? Or are you bold and skilled?" The woman on the opposite side laughed.

"Stop talking nonsense, where's my friend?" Su Yi said angrily.

It is clear that the other party tied Cao Qinglang here, and he was forced to come here, and now he is talking sarcasticly.

If he wasn't worried about Cao Qinglang's safety, he would definitely have to fight the opponent first.

"Your friend is very good, don't worry about that."

The woman opposite smiled.

"Your Excellency asked me here, what do you mean?" Su Yi asked impatiently.

Cao Qinglang was in the opponent's hands, which made him a little wary.

Be patient even when you are angry.

"There is only one purpose, to make a deal with you." The woman said directly.


Su Yi pondered, squinted and looked forward, waiting for the other party's explanation.

"The way of trading is also very simple. You kill someone for me, I let your friend go, and I will give you some precious things." The woman said slowly.

Hearing this, Su Yi frowned slightly.

The other party asked him to be the killer, which he never expected.

"How? Do you agree?"

Seeing that Su Yi didn't speak, the woman asked.

"Kill who?"

Su Yi said reluctantly.

No matter who it is to kill, he is unwilling.

But for the sake of Cao Qinglang, I had to ask.

"Kill Jia Hongda!"

The woman said softly, and then added, "Jia Hongda is a member of the Moguang tribe."

"Demon killer?"

Su Yi was surprised.

Humans and demons are mortal enemies, so they can justly find someone to help them kill them.

Why play such a game?
"Are you fucking sick?"

Su Yi cursed in his heart.

Worried about angering the other party, he didn't say anything.

"You should agree now, right?" the woman asked.

The hatred between humans and demons is as deep as sea, and the target of hunting is demons. She believes that Su Yi will agree.

Su Yi pondered for a moment and said, "I'll first check to see if my friend is safe."

He has not seen Cao Qinglang until now, so he is still very worried.

Before Cao Qinglang's safety was ensured, he would not agree.


The woman thought about it and agreed.

The next moment, a bright light suddenly appeared in the dark factory building, like a bright moonlight scattered.

Immediately afterwards, Cao Qinglang suddenly appeared in the light, bound like a dumpling with silver threads, leaving only one head outside.

At the same time, a very strong feeling surged in Su Yi's heart.

It is the manifestation of the ability to sense treasures to resonate.

(End of this chapter)

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