Chapter 387 True Spirit Realm

"Jia Hongda is an earth-type spiritual cultivator at the first level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm!" Yao said in a deep voice.


Su Yi was dumbfounded.

Is Jia Hongda a warrior in the Illusory Spirit Realm?
Yao's brain is not sick, right?
Let him kill the first level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm at the first level of Soul Gathering Realm?There is a difference of ten levels. Doesn't this tell him to die?
"Fuck your grandma!"

Su Yi cursed angrily in his heart, and said angrily, "I won't agree to this deal. If I let my friend go, I'll pretend nothing happened."

Wouldn't he be a fool if he agreed to knowing that he was going to die?

"You don't want the Demon Killer to avenge you humans?" Yao asked.

"Ha ha."

Su Yi smiled contemptuously.

Demons are the great enemy of human beings, of course, the more you kill, the better.

But do what you can.

What does Gathering Soul Realm use to kill Illusory Spirit Realm?Isn't this hitting a stone with a pebble?

"I'm only at the first level of Gathering Soul Realm, you think too highly of me." Su Yi smiled wryly.

After all, Cao Qinglang is still in Yao's hands, so it's inconvenient for him to tear up his face with the other party.

"I know you are at the first level of the Soul Gathering Realm, but your real combat power is stronger than the fourth level of the Soul Gathering Realm! If you break out with all your strength, you can even entangle with the fifth level of the Soul Gathering Realm." Yao said meaningfully.

"So what? Jia Hongda is a warrior in the Illusory Spirit Realm." Su Yi snorted softly.

It is true that his strength far exceeds that of his peers.

But in terms of self-confidence, he will not be so confident that he can kill the Illusory Spiritual Realm.

"I have a magic weapon that can trap Jia Hongda and suppress his cultivation to the fourth level of the Soul Gathering Realm, but the time should not be too long, at most about 10 minutes." Yao said.


Su Yi's expression changed.

Yao still has this kind of treasure?
If what he said was true, he could really kill Jia Hongda.

"Since you can trap Jia Hongda and lower his cultivation, can't you just kill him yourself?" Su Yi asked.

Although it is not clear about Yao's cultivation, but should there be fourth level of Gathering Soul Realm?

Yao explained: "In the heyday, Jia Hongda could be crushed to death with one finger. But now I am seriously injured, and at most I can only display the strength of the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm."

"And Jia Hongda has a very powerful defensive shield in his hand. I alone can't break through his defense in a short time, so I ask you for help."

"What was your cultivation level in your heyday?" Su Yi asked curiously.

To crush an Illusory Spiritual Realm warrior to death with one finger, one must at least have a cultivation level of the Divine Realm, right?
The supernatural realm is the top combat force in Blue Star, and there are only three of them.

What Yao said is true?Still bragging?

"True Spirit Realm!" Yao said calmly.


Su Yi gasped, his eyeballs were about to protrude.

The True Spirit Realm only exists in legends, and the human fighters on Blue Star have never reached this level.

Yao will be a true spirit realm?

Could it be that the sleeping old monster woke up?

"Can you be more humble?" Su Yi didn't believe Yao's words at all.

"I can't help you if you don't believe me."

Yao smiled and changed the subject, "After talking so much, should you agree to cooperate now?"


Su Yi nodded, and then asked, "When will you act?"

"I'll give you news tomorrow morning, just wait patiently, and see you tomorrow."

Yao said softly.

After the words fell, the entire workshop became silent.

Knowing that Yao had left, Su Yi didn't stay here, so he walked outside instead.

Pei Lin is still waiting for him. If he doesn't go back for a long time, he will definitely be anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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