Chapter 397 Exploding Fruit
The two fists collided without fancy, and a loud bang erupted.

The aura is raging, and the air is surging.

Harsh sound waves echoed in the hall.

"too frightening!"

Even though Cao Qinglang was far away, he still felt ringing in his ears and his body trembled uncontrollably.


Suddenly, there was a slight sound of bone cracking in the hall.

But he saw that Jia Hongda was thrown back by a punch, and his right hand was also pulled down.

It was during the confrontation with Su Yi that several bones were broken in his right hand.

"Boy, I underestimated you!"

Jia Hongda glanced at his right hand, and a hint of resentment suddenly appeared in his eyes.

In fact, his earth aura completely crushed Su Yi's thunder aura. Unexpectedly, Su Yi's defense could offset the damage caused by the earth aura, and his strength value reached a terrifying level. Su Yi succeeded with one blow .

Fortunately, the injury was not serious, as long as he was cautious, he still had the confidence to win Su Yi.

"Su Yi is really strong enough!"

Ling Nianyao's expression shook.

At this moment, she was not idle either, she raised her hands together, and two green light streaks shot out, flying to the bottom of Jia Hongda's feet in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, a strange scene appeared.

After the two green threads of light sank into the ground, two thick green vines quickly grew out like roots and sprouts, directly binding Jia Hongda's legs.

"good chance!"

Su Yi was overjoyed.

Jia Hongda was restrained, and it was a good time to kill him.

Mu Ran, Su Yi took out the [Zixiao Qinglei Sword] and was about to charge forward, but was stopped by Ling Nianyao loudly.

"Su Yi, wait a minute!"


Su Yi was a little strange.

Doesn't Ling Nianyao have a deep hatred for Jia Hongda?What are you waiting for?
However, since Ling Nianyao said so, he still held back, and then looked towards Ling Nianyao.

But at some point in Ling Nianyao's hand, there was a blue fruit the size of a fist.

"What does she want to do?"

When Su Yi was a little confused, Ling Nianyao directly threw the fruit in his hand to Jia Hongda.

"Hit people with fruit?"

Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

At this moment, he felt that Ling Nianyao was just like playing a house.

What's the use of smashing fruit the size of a watermelon, let alone a fist-sized fruit?

Similarly, Jia Hongda didn't care, and punched the flying fruit.

But at the same time as the two touched, a sound of thunderstorm suddenly resounded.

A loud bang.

But the blue fruit exploded immediately.

It feels like a thunder ball bursting.

"Explosive fruit?"

Su Yi looked surprised, and the scene of the grenade exploding could not help appearing in his mind.

"What the hell?"

At the same time, Jia Hongda grinned and cursed.

In that punch just now, because he didn't use aura, his left hand was blown to pieces.

Although it didn't hurt the muscles and bones, it definitely didn't feel good.

"The power of exploding fruit is not small!"

Seeing the miserable state of Jia Hongda's left hand, Su Yi clicked his tongue.

"Very good! You two have completely pissed me off, and I'm sure you'll be crushed today!"

Jia Hongda was completely furious.

In just a short while, his right hand was fractured and his left hand was bloody.

As a strong man in the Illusory Spiritual Realm, how could he endure it?
Jia Hongda exerted his strength suddenly, and the green vines wrapped around his legs were shattered inch by inch, and they were about to collapse completely.

Another blue fruit flew towards him.


Jia Hongda gritted his teeth, stopped and struggled helplessly, turned to wrap the earth spirit energy around his fist, and punched it out.

The power of the blue fruit is still not small, if it is hit, it will be torn apart again.

He can only choose to explode it first.

(End of this chapter)

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