Chapter 399 A Brick-Sized Seed

In normal times, with Jia Hongda's cultivation base, even if he is shrouded by Su Yi's [Death Gaze], it will not have any effect.

After all, the level difference between the two is too much.

But it was different now, Jia Hongda's cultivation base was suppressed, and he was subjected to another round of indiscriminate bombing. His own consumption was too intense, and his state seriously declined, so he fell into a trance.

Su Yi seized the opportunity and slashed down with his sword, easily piercing through Jia Hongda's head.


Jia Hongda's huge body and the shield in his hand fell to the ground at the same time.

"Jia Hongda is dead!"

Ling Nianyao clenched her hands tightly, her eyes burst into tears, and she cried, "Sister, I have avenged you!"

Su Yi ignored Ling Nianyao, all his attention was on the shield.

I saw that the shield shrunk rapidly after it fell to the ground, and became the size of a palm in a blink of an eye.

While Ling Nianyao wasn't paying attention, Su Yi rushed forward and directly sent the shield into the [Qiankun Ring].

Then he turned over Jia Hongda's body and quickly removed the storage bag from Jia Hongda's waist.

The storage bag is a magic weapon of space, even if it is the worst, it is worth hundreds of millions of blue star coins.

What's more, there should be a lot of good things in the storage bag.

Originally, Su Yi thought he would make a fortune.

But when I checked the storage bag, I found that there were a few dark holes in the storage bag.

Obviously, it was blown apart in a previous round of explosions.

Once the storage bag is damaged, it is completely scrapped, and there is almost no repair.

And the things inside will also be destroyed together.


Su Yi sighed and threw it away casually.

Then, he walked straight towards Ling Nianyao.

Jia Hongda had already been killed, it was time to leave Moonlight City.

At this time, Ling Nianyao seemed to be in sad contemplation, and did not pay attention to Su Yi's arrival.

"Cough cough."

Su Yi stepped forward, coughed lightly, and reminded: "Ling Nianyao, should we go out?"

Ling Nianyao wiped away her tears, nodded slightly, and then stretched out her hand to swipe the air, the movement was as gentle as water.

Mu Ran, Su Yi only felt a dazzling light in front of him, and he couldn't open his eyes at all.

When the bright light disappeared, it was discovered that it had appeared in the dense forest.

And Cao Qinglang also stood by his side.

"Su Yi, thank you for helping me kill Jia Hongda!" Ling Nianyao said sincerely.

Without Su Yi's help, she would definitely not be able to kill Jia Hongda by herself.

Therefore, his gratitude to Su Yi was not artificial in the slightest.

"You're welcome."

Su Yi smiled, then stretched out his hand in front of Ling Nianyao.


Ling Nianyao didn't react for a while.

Su Yi reminded: "It was agreed at the time, kill Jia Hongda, you let my friend go, and you will pay me in addition."


The corner of Ling Nianyao's mouth froze.

Of course she didn't forget, but she didn't expect Su Yi to be so impatient.

"Hold on."

Ling Nianyao nodded, pointing to the silver bracelet on her wrist.

Suddenly, there was a yellow seed in her hand.

An unusual seed, the size of a turning head.


Ling Nianyao naturally sent this seed to Su Yi.

"What kind of seed is this? Why is it so big?"

Cao Qinglang was surprised, he had never seen such a big seed.

Su Yi was a little confused.

It was agreed at the time that Ling Nianyao would give some spiritual material seeds.

What is that in front of you?
It can't be said that the seeds are big and strangely shaped, but they are spiritual material seeds, right?

After all, such a large spiritual material seed has never appeared in Blue Star.

(End of this chapter)

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