Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 405 You have to be mentally prepared

Chapter 405 You have to be mentally prepared

Su Yi muran thought that many strong men had gone to Sanqing City in the morning.

I also heard Gu Yiting talk about counterattacking the devil.

A small city like Sanqing City can have more than 100 strong people rushing to help, let alone Ding'an City.

"Principal, how is Lord Luo's injury?" Su Yi asked.

He had asked Pei Lin to bring back Yunling Pill, and Luo Junnan should take it now.

But whether it can be saved or not is hard to say.

"I've woken up, and my life is not in danger for the time being, but I'm afraid it will be very difficult to recover." Li Zhenfeng sighed.

Failure to heal means failure to exert full strength.

Luo Junnan was originally the number one strongest in Yuancheng, but now he is no longer what he used to be, and his combat power is almost the same as that of Jiang Yunhua.

This is undoubtedly a major blow to Yuancheng, whose overall strength is not strong.

However, Luo Junnan survived after all, which can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

In addition, Luo Junnan's injury is not without hope of recovery.

If you take a few more Yunling Pills, or other top-level healing medicines, the possibility of recovery is very high.

In short, it is right not to give up treatment.

"It's good to survive."

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

As for Luo Junnan's injury, he didn't care much.

When he condenses the soul of fire, he can start refining Yunling Pill, and it won't be too late to help Luo Junnan recover by then.

"Su Yi, when are you coming?" Li Zhenfeng asked.

He was looking forward to what Su Yi would gain.

"Tomorrow, I'm a little tired today."

Su Yi found an excuse.

In the past, empty-handed is not good either.

And tomorrow you can bring several kinds of fruits.

"That's fine."

Li Zhenfeng didn't care.

After chatting with Su Yi for a few words, he hung up the phone.

Later, Su Yi and Cao Qinglang continued to head home.

When entering the community, Su Yi stopped and glanced back quickly.


When he saw that there was nothing behind him, Su Yi let out a light sigh.

Just now, he had a feeling.

It was as if someone was following and monitoring him behind him.

"Su Yi, what are you doing?" Cao Qinglang asked suspiciously.


Su Yi shook his head, put aside distracting thoughts, "Go home."

"Brother, you are back!"

When Su Yi came home, Su Lin excitedly ran up to greet him.

Knowing that everything is fine with Su Yi, the smile on her face suddenly disappeared, and her tone became harsh, "Brother, I have already told my sister-in-law about you and Gu Yiting, you have to be mentally prepared."


The corner of Su Yi's mouth froze.

I'm ready to fart!I am not afraid of the oblique shadow of my body!

"Good for you."

Su Yi glared at Su Lin, and said angrily.

Now Su Lin is going too far, and she is starting to make small reports!

Don't take him as an older brother at all.

Not to be outdone, Su Lin stared back at Su Yi, "Who told you that your life style is disorderly, I'm here to correct your mistakes in time."

Su Yi was speechless.

Isn't it just a few words with Gu Yiting that it is necessary to go online?
He also found out that there was a problem with his style of life.

He was convinced, and didn't bother to explain anything, and walked straight to the room.

He just opened the door and asked Su Lin, "Where's Mom?"

"Mom went out to buy vegetables." Su Lin replied.


Su Yi nodded and walked into the room.

After closing the door, he immediately took out the [Five Elements Eternal Shield] to watch.

Soon, he found some small ancient writings on the back center of the shield.

After deciphering, it is known that [Five Elements Eternal Shield] is basically the same as what Ling Nianyao introduced.

After looking at it for a while, I put it back into [Qiankun Ring].

Then he began to toss up the seeds, and put them one by one into [Lin Lang Jie].

(End of this chapter)

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