Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 407 What does it have to do with me

Chapter 407 What does it have to do with me


Su Lin stared at Su Yi blankly, lost in thought and confusion.

Why did Su Yi pop up this sentence inexplicably?
Who are you talking to?
You won't be possessed, will you?
Just when Su Lin was about to ask, Su Yi's fierce voice sounded in her ears, "Get out of here!"

Su Lin: "???"

Ling Nianyao was shocked.

She was sure that Su Yi must have discovered her and said something to her.

However, she couldn't understand it.

The robe on her body has the function of invisibility and concealing breath, how did Su Yi discover her?
However, she didn't think too much at this time. Seeing Su Yi enter the room, she obediently followed him in.

"Brother, what's going on?"

Su Lin became more and more confused.

"You wait outside for a while."

Su Yi gave an order, and when Ling Nianyao entered the room, he closed the door with a 'bang'.

The loud noise reverberated in the living room, making Su Lin's ears buzz.

She could see that Su Yi was angry, and really angry!
But why be angry?
In the room, Su Yi narrowed his eyes and stared at Ling Nianyao, with a cold light flickering in his eyes from time to time.

Being caught by Su Yi's eyes, Ling Nianyao suddenly felt a chill.

At this moment, she even clearly sensed the killing intent in Su Yi's eyes.

"Stop hiding your head and showing your tail, do you think I can't see you?" Su Yi snorted coldly.

"Your abilities are beyond my imagination."

Ling Nianyao sighed softly, a little bit of starlight shone on her body, her whole figure gradually solidified, and finally revealed her true face.

However, it was still wrapped in a robe.


Su Yi frowned slightly.

Just when Ling Nianyao appeared, a strong feeling surged in his heart.

But it was only a moment, and soon disappeared.

This shows that Ling Nianyao has a treasure with the function of invisibility, and it is also a treasure with strong concealment.

The ability to sense treasure can only sense its existence in a split second.

At this moment, he also understood that why Ling Nianyao could come and go freely in Sanqing City was entirely due to the ability of the invisible treasure.

Su Yi was not entangled in this matter, he glanced at Ling Nianyao, and said bluntly: "Are you getting out of Yuancheng by yourself? Or are you forcing me to kill you and throw you out?"

Although Ling Nianyao is not a member of the Moguang tribe, he is a foreigner after all.

It is taboo to have an affair with a foreigner, and he doesn't want to cause trouble in vain.

For the sake of fighting side by side with Ling Nianyao and killing Jia Hongda, he didn't do it directly, which can be regarded as giving Ling Nianyao a chance.

Ling Nianyao: "."

She felt that it was necessary to re-examine Su Yi.

When Su Yi became cold, he was still very scary.

Ling Nianyao was stunned for a moment, and said pitifully: "I can't go back to the elves, I have been wandering outside, and sooner or later I will be discovered by the Moguang tribe, and then there will be only death."

"What does it have to do with me?" Su Yi snorted softly.

Ling Nianyao is neither human nor his friend, he has no obligation to help at all.

In addition, Ling Nianyao's abduction of Cao Qinglang still haunts him so far, so he is even more lazy to deal with it.

Ling Nianyao swallowed and spit, her face became extremely ugly.

She didn't expect Su Yi to be so heartless.

However, thinking that it has nothing to do with Su Yi, the unhappiness in my heart dissipated.

"I can make a deal with you." Ling Nianyao said bravely.

If you want to stay here, you can only ask Su Yi for help.

"Not interested in."

Su Yi flatly refused.

"There is no loss for you to listen to it first. If you disagree, I will leave immediately."

Ling Nianyao looked at Su Yi with a begging look.

(End of this chapter)

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