Chapter 412 Collecting Rent


Ling Nianyao didn't even think about it, she opened her mouth and said.

Those seeds are too precious, she would rather take Lingjing as rent than give one more seed.

"There should be explosive fruits, right? Give me a few."

Su Yi is the next best thing.

The reason for exploding the fruit is to study it carefully.

Because the power of exploding fruits is actually similar to the power of cannonball explosions.

This made him think of a question.

In Bluestar, although there are high-tech products such as mobile phones and computers, there are no thermal weapons such as guns.

Isn't it easier to hunt demons and beasts with guns?

Is it because Blue Star didn't develop a thermal weapon, or did it just abandon it?

He planned to communicate with Li Zhenfeng with the explosive fruit.

"Give you two more, I don't have many more."

Ling Nianyao hesitated for a moment, took out two explosive fruits from the space bracelet, and gave them to Su Yi.

The power of the explosive fruit is not bad, it can even cause damage to warriors of the first or second level of Soul Gathering Realm.

It can be regarded as one of her life-saving means, so she is reluctant to send it out.

Su Yi didn't dislike it either, and threw it into the [Qiankun Ring].

Although two are a bit small, it is enough to study it.

Then, Su Yi said: "You wait here, don't make a sound, I'll go out and rent you a house."

I don't want Su Lin to know about Ling Nianyao's matter for the time being.

"You won't let me live in your house?" Ling Nianyao said with some displeasure.

"Where is there a place for you to live in my house?" Su Yi shook his head.

There are three rooms in the house, one for him, one for Su Lin and one for Li Caihua.

Who are you in the same room with?
With Li Caihua, he must be worried.

With Su Lin, Su Lin will not agree.

talk to him
It is inconvenient not to mention the lonely men and widows, but if people find out, they will not be able to clean up even if they jump into the Yellow River.

"I can live in the living room." Ling Nianyao suggested.

"That's not OK."

Su Yi flatly refused.

Ling Nianyao can't be invisible all day long, if she is exposed one day, she won't be scared to death.


Seeing that Su Yi was so determined, Ling Nianyao couldn't say anything.

Later, Su Yi went out to find the landlord Lin Rupan.

I just learned that a tenant moved out of the upstairs of their house yesterday, and the room was still vacant.

Su Yi rented it directly for one year.

A year's rent is more than 1 blue star coins, and he is not short of this money.

In addition, he wanted to charge Ling Nianyao's rent, so he would definitely not pay for it.

Lin Rupan was overjoyed, and happily handed over the room key to Su Yi.

Su Yi sent Lin Rupan away, entered the room and tidied up briefly.

Then he brought Ling Nianyao over.

"How about the environment?"

Su Yi led Ling Nianyao around.

"not bad."

Ling Nianyao is quite satisfied.

This place is incomparable to her residence in the elves, but it is also better than the wilderness outside the city.

"That's good."

Su Yi nodded, and stretched out his hand in front of Ling Nianyao.


Ling Nianyao didn't react.

"Of course the rent is paid."

Su Yi said naturally.

"How much? Is one spirit crystal a day enough?" Ling Nianyao asked.

Su Yi was shocked.

One spirit crystal a day is simply enough.

Originally, he planned to collect ten or eight spirit crystals.

Unexpectedly, Ling Nianyao offered a price on his own initiative, and he must have been too embarrassed to refuse.


Su Yi said calmly: "You pay once a month, or once a year."

He wasn't afraid that Ling Nianyao would renege on his debts, mainly because it would be too troublesome to charge him once a day.

(End of this chapter)

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