Chapter 418 I planted it myself

After half an hour, Cao Qinglang ate a large piece of it, and finally couldn't eat anymore.

Originally, he was a little fat, but now looking at his stomach, it is almost the same as Zhu Bajie's.

"As expected of a foodie!"

Su Lin secretly sighed.

The three of them barely ate a big piece, and Cao Qinglang ate a big piece by himself.

Su Yi glanced at the two large pieces of watermelon left on the table, and said, "Old Cao, why don't you eat more?"

The family can eat at most one piece, what about the remaining piece?
It would be a shame to waste it.

Cao Qinglang burped, and quickly waved her hands, "I can't eat it, if I eat any more, I'll be stuffed to death!"

Su Yi squeezed his chin, and suggested: "You go to the toilet first, and then eat after digesting?"

Cao Qinglang was about to cry, "Su Yi, you'd better kill me!"

It's also very uncomfortable to eat watermelon, he feels like throwing up now.

"let it go."

Seeing that Cao Qinglang was really not doing well, Su Yi didn't insist.

Later, after chatting with Cao Qinglang for a while, Su Yi sent Cao Qinglang back home.

It's not because he's afraid that Cao Qinglang won't be able to get there, but because he wants to send some fruits to Cao Qinglang's family.

Cao Qinglang has eaten it, but his parents haven't eaten it yet.

After returning home, Su Yi carried one of the big watermelons out.

Su Lin asked curiously, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Su Yi said: "Anyway, I can't finish it, so I'll give it to my neighbors."


Su Lin was right after thinking about it.

Su Yi walked out of the house and went straight upstairs.

When I came to the door where Ling Nianyao was, I knocked on the door lightly, "Ling Nianyao, it's me."

Yesterday he had told Ling Nianyao not to answer anyone who knocked on the door, only he could open the door.

Hearing Su Yi's voice, Ling Nianyao quickly opened the door.

Su Yi walked in carrying the watermelon, and placed it on the table.

Before Ling Nianyao could open her mouth, she took the lead and said, "I planted this with my own hands. It is pure natural, green and pollution-free, and it was picked just now. It tastes very sweet. I brought it here for you to taste."

Ling Nianyao: "."

Seeing Su Yi's sincere expression, she was speechless.

She has eaten this kind of watermelon hundreds of times, especially in the past few days, and she is tired of eating it.

However, Su Yi was also kind, and Ling Nianyao squeezed out a smile, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Su Yi smiled.

It is actually a sense of accomplishment to let others eat what you grow and get thanks.

"Okay, then eat slowly, I'll go first."

Su Yi greeted and left quickly.

Later, instead of going home, she went to the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy.

I made an agreement with Li Zhenfeng yesterday that I want to give him something.

In addition, I also want to see if Li Zhenfeng's injury is healed.

Half an hour later, Su Yi came to the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy and called Li Zhenfeng.

"Principal, I'm here, where are you?"

"Come to my office." Li Zhenfeng quickly replied.

"The old guy loves his job."

Su Yi hung up the phone and walked towards the principal's office.

"Su Yi, here we come."

When Su Yi walked to the office, he saw that Li Zhenfeng was already waiting for him at the door with a smile on his face.

Seeing that Li Zhenfeng looked good, Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

When the two entered the office, Li Zhenfeng closed the door and asked with a smile, "Su Yi, did you bring me something nice?"

"Aren't you injured? I brought you some fruit." Su Yi said sincerely.

It is very appropriate to bring fruit when visiting patients.

(End of this chapter)

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