Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 424 A super beautiful woman is looking for you

Chapter 424 There Is A Super Beauty Looking For You
"Don't you have seeds? Have you planted them? When will they bear fruit?" Li Zhenfeng seemed a little unwilling.

"The seeds are planted, but the fruiting cycle is one year." Su Yi said.

He didn't dare to let Li Zhenfeng know that he could receive two crops a day, otherwise Li Zhenfeng might have some idea.


Li Zhenfeng nodded.

He didn't doubt Su Yi's words, after all, fruits ripen once a year.

"Why don't you give me a few seeds, so you can save me watermelons every year." Li Zhenfeng said naturally.

"No more." Su Yi snorted.

He finally managed to get one from Ling Nianyao, there is no need for it.


Li Zhenfeng didn't hesitate either.

"Principal, I will hang up first if I have something to do."

Su Yi said hello and hung up the phone.

When he got home, Su Yi opened the warm family group, informed him that he was going to the No. [-] Ancient Martial Arts Academy in Qinglong City the day after tomorrow, and made an appointment to go to Venus City in five days.

At that time, the Jiang family will send an aircraft to pick him up.

Later, he opened [Lin Lang Jie] to check the ripening progress of the fruit.

Although he only harvested a wave in the morning, he seemed to be in a daze, always worried that the harvest would be late.

The next day, early in the morning.

The three of Su Yi went to school together as usual.

In fact, with Su Yi's current cultivation base, he can graduate completely, and there is no need to go to the academy at all.

But staying at home alone is also boring, it is better to go to the library of the college to read books.

Knowledge, no matter when, is useful.

Yuancheng No. [-] Ancient Martial Arts Academy, teacher of Class [-], Senior [-].

Su Yi sat on his seat and looked at his phone. Since it was the first day of school, he came to sign up. The college didn't arrange any tasks.

However, some students who were keen on cultivation still went to the college's gymnasium to exercise their bodies as before.

Not many students remained in the classroom.

"Su Yi, let's go to the campus later?" Cao Qinglang suggested.

"Not interested, I'll go to the library to read some books later."

Su Yi shook his head, looked at Cao Qinglang, "Aren't you going to exercise?"

In the past, Cao Qinglang worked very hard.

Why are you so free today?
"Su Yi, have you forgotten my physique?" Cao Qinglang smiled triumphantly.

With an indestructible body, he can be promoted to a higher level as long as he takes some medicine.

Besides, he was promoted two levels in a row last night, so it's time to relax.


Su Yi opened his mouth and asked, "Have you been promoted again?"

Cao Qinglang immediately puffed up her chest, but she seemed to feel that she should not be too high-profile, then lay down again, and said very modestly: "It's just the ninth level of the Body Tempering Realm, and it's incomparable to you."

"The Ninth Level of Body Tempering Realm!"

Su Yi's expression changed, and he said in a low voice, "Promote to the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm as soon as possible, and then test the spirit root."


Cao Qinglang nodded heavily,

The test of the spirit root is to prepare for the promotion to the Gathering Soul Realm. Thinking of this, he became a little excited and nervous.

"Su Yi, there is a super beautiful woman looking for you outside!"

But at this moment, a male student's voice came from outside the classroom.

"Su Yi, you've had a lot of luck recently!" Cao Qinglang said enviously.

Su Yi ignored it at all, got up and walked out of the classroom.

He is a little strange now, who is looking for him?
(End of this chapter)

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