Chapter 446
"You don't want to follow me?" Su Yi tried with a sullen face.

[Smart Chariot]: "Ask."

Su Yi: "."

Is there something wrong with this?Didn't I ask?

Asking again is not taking off your pants and farting!
Su Yi held back his breath and asked, "Are you following me?"

[Smart Chariot]: "I'll follow you."

"Depend on!"

Su Yi almost breathed out the fragrance.

Are you willing to follow me and ask me to ask twice, are you kidding me?
In fact, Su Yi didn't know that [Smart Chariot] only wanted an attitude, or hoped to be respected.


Su Yi didn't want to worry about it any more, and said, "Number 2, hurry up and get smaller, I'll take you out."


[Smart Chariot] This time it was a lot more enjoyable, and it became the size of a palm in a blink of an eye.

Su Yi originally wanted to put the [Smart Chariot] into the [Qiankun Ring], but thought that the [Smart Chariot] was a living body, so he hugged it.

After all, [Smart Chariot] looks like a car model now, and it doesn't attract too much attention.

However, Su Yi still warned, "Number 2, don't talk when you go out later."


[Smart Chariot] Guaranteed.

Outside the puppet tower, Diao Shibo was waiting anxiously.

It has been more than an hour since Su Yi entered the puppet tower, and he was really worried that something happened to Su Yi.

Standing beside Diao Shibo, Dou Zhiming and Lan Liqun also looked worried.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed through the gate of the puppet tower, followed by a figure slowly walking out from it.

"It's Su Yi!"

Lan Liqun shouted excitedly.

"Su Yi, you finally came out, are you all right?"

Diao Shibo greeted him.


Su Yi smiled lightly, and then said: "Principal Diao, the person who made trouble in the puppet tower is a member of the puppet clan. I have already eradicated him."

"Puppet clan?"

Diao Shibo frowned, this was the first time he had heard of the puppet clan.

Su Yi briefly explained the situation of the puppet clan.

"I didn't expect there to be such a strange alien."

Diao Shibo murmured thoughtfully, and then thanked: "Su Yi, thanks to your help this time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

If there is no Su Yi, Dou Zhiming and Lan Liqun will be in danger, and the puppet tower will definitely be destroyed.

"Principal Diao is polite, but it's just a little effort." Su Yi smiled.

He also entered the puppet tower this time to find opportunities.

And accidentally harvested a chariot.

As for saving the two of Dou Zhiming and killing the puppet tribe, it was just a matter of convenience.

Therefore, he didn't feel that Diao Shibo owed him anything.

"Su Yi, I will remember your kindness, and I will repay you in the future." Diao Shibo said solemnly.

Su Yi could ignore it, but he couldn't.

Seeing that Diao Shibo was so sincere, Su Yi smiled, and asked instead: "Principal Diao, have you ever heard of Zhiyao Pagoda?"


Diao Shibo shook his head, "Last night Li Zhenfeng called me and asked about Zhiyao Tower, what did you ask Zhiyaota for?"

"It was the principal who asked me to help find out, and I don't know the specifics." Su Yi said perfunctorily.

The Seed of the Sacred Tree is involved in the Planting Demon Tower, and I don't want too many people to know it for the time being.

Moreover, he also believed that Li Zhenfeng would definitely not talk nonsense.

That being the case, it is better to simply push it to Li Zhenfeng.

"What kind of medicine does Li Zhenfeng sell in the gourd?" Diao Shibo muttered.

(End of this chapter)

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