Chapter 448 The Militant
"Of course it's me." [Smart Chariot] spoke again.


Su Lin swallowed, and turned to Su Yi and asked, "Brother, what kind of high-tech product is this? How do I feel that he has his own thinking?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "He is also a living body like us, and belongs to the machine family."

Speaking of the origin of [Smart Chariot], he himself felt a little unbelievable.

[Smart Chariot] Added a sentence, "It's a higher life form."

"Machines? Higher life forms?"

Everyone was stunned.

Car models can all be a race?Or a higher life form?
It's not that they don't believe it, it's just too unbelievable.

"You haven't heard of it, it can only represent ignorance! I think I was galloping in the universe for countless years back then!"

Looking at the disbelieving eyes of everyone, [Smart Chariot] got a little angry, and felt that it was necessary to point out his glorious resume.

Everyone looked at each other.

If you heard me right, they seem to be despised, despised by a car model.

Moreover, the car model despised them all, and bragged about himself by the way.

This made them a little intolerable.

"Aren't you just a model? I'm still the second genius of Blue Star, what's so great about you?" Jiang Haoran said unconvinced.

[Smart Chariot] After being silent for a while, he opened his mouth and said, "The frog at the bottom of the well!"

Jiang Haoran: "."

[Smart Chariot] This sentence is not very harmful, but it is too insulting.

How could Lan Xing, a direct descendant of the Jiang family, endure this kind of humiliation the next day?
"Brother-in-law, please let this model speak respectfully, otherwise I can teach him a lesson." Jiang Haoran's voice turned cold.

Su Yi squeezed his chin, and said thoughtfully: "You can't beat him."

[Smart Chariot] It has no attack ability now, but it has a strong defense.

If it gets bigger, Jiang Haoran really won't be an opponent.

Jiang Haoran was dumbfounded.

Everyone: "."

Jiang Haoran is always a fighter at the seventh level of Body Tempering Realm, so he can't defeat a car model?
[Smart Chariot] Disdainfully said to Jiang Haoran: "Boy, listen to people's persuasion after eating enough. My strength is beyond your imagination. If you don't accept it, let's go out and challenge each other, and let you see my real strength." strength!"

Su Yi was speechless.

He knew [Smart Chariot] likes to brag, but he didn't expect his temper to be so violent.

Every now and then, he would find someone to single out, a militant in every way.

"Too pretentious, isn't it?"

Cao Qinglang clicked her tongue fiercely.

The corner of Jiang Haoran's mouth twitched, and he growled angrily, "One-on-one, one-on-one, you think I'm afraid of you?"


With a sullen face, Su Yi snorted coldly, "Both of you give me peace of mind."

[Smart Chariot] is his friend, and Jiang Haoran is his brother-in-law.

How decent is it for a friend to fight with his brother-in-law!
Seeing that Su Yi got angry, [Smart Chariot] and Jiang Haoran didn't dare to say anything.

"Su Yi, why don't you introduce us to this machine friend?"

At this moment, Jiang Piaoxue said suddenly.

She could see that Su Yi still attached great importance to [Smart Chariot].

This also shows that the [Smart Chariot] has something extraordinary.

She was still very curious about this.

Su Yi nodded and said with a smile: "Let me introduce to you officially. His name is [Smart Chariot No. 2]. You can call him No. 2 in the future."

Then, Su Yi introduced other people to [Smart Chariot].

(End of this chapter)

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