Chapter 453 Too Ugly

"Xiaoyi, you must be careful." Li Caihua warned.

Even though she knew that Su Yi was strong, she was still worried.

"Mom, don't worry, there will be no problem."

Su Yi promised, and then stepped off the aircraft.

[Smart Chariot] suggested: "Su Yi, this place is ten kilometers away from the half-orcs, I'll take you there."

Didn't Jiang Haoran and the others keep questioning him?
Then he will use this to prove to everyone that in addition to his investigative function, he can also change the size at will, not bragging.


Su Yi nodded, and put the [Smart Chariot] on the ground.

Accompanied by a burst of silver light, the 【Smart Chariot】inflated rapidly, becoming the size of a base vehicle in the blink of an eye, with silver light flowing all over its body, which is very cool.

"Number 2 can really get bigger!"

Everyone in the aircraft was astonished.

At first, they all felt that [Smart Chariot] was too pretentious.

I never thought it was really a bit of a skill.

"It's just changing the size, what's so great about it." Jiang Haoran muttered disdainfully.


[Smart Chariot] Honked its whistle towards the aircraft, as if provocative.

Su Yi stepped into the car and ordered: "No. 2, let's go!"

"Su Yi, stand still and support yourself!"

[Smart Chariot] With full power, it drove forward quickly.

Its speed is so fast that it is much faster than ordinary base cars.

Moreover, he seemed to want to prove his own defensive power, turning a blind eye to some obstacles in front of him, and rolling all the way.

If there is a little passing, it means that no grass will grow.

"No. 2's defense is really strong!"

Seeing the [Smart Chariot] galloping all the way, the smoke and dust billowing in the places it passed, the trees and rocks collapsing, Huang Yi couldn't help clicking his tongue.

"No. 2 is purely trying to pretend." Jiang Haoran snorted softly.

Of course, he was just talking about it.

In fact, I was deeply shocked by the powerful defense of the [Smart Chariot].

If it was replaced by another base car and dared to drive like the [Smart Chariot], it would have been scrapped long ago.

[Smart Chariot] After driving for a while, Su Yi reminded: "No. 2, if you drive there with such fanfare, won't the half-orcs find it?"

[Smart Chariot] The damage caused along the way is not small, the sound of collapse and roar can be heard from far away.

Unless the orcs are deaf, they will find out.

"Okay, I'll drive slowly."

[Smart Chariot] slowed down, and deliberately avoided the obstacles ahead.

A few minutes later, the [Smart Chariot] stopped under a big tree, "Su Yi, there are five half-orcs patrolling one kilometer ahead, you'd better touch them quietly and kill them."


Su Yi nodded, "No. 2, transmit the image of the half-orc."

On the premise that the Boundary Wall Stone and the Void Spirit Stone are not found, it is best not to startle the snake.

In addition, I haven't seen what a half-orc looks like so far, so I'm a little curious.

[Smart Chariot]: "It has been transmitted to the central control screen."

Su Yi glanced intently at the central control screen, only to see that he turned around and appeared in a dense forest.

At this time, there were five burly and strong aliens covered with a layer of thick hair patrolling the dense forest.

"Half-orcs are so ugly!"

Su Yi only took one look before giving a pertinent evaluation.

In his opinion, the half-orcs are not as good as the Moguang people.

The Moguang people are also more vicious, at least they can still watch.

But the half-orcs completely failed in evolution, and they are defective products.

Not to mention the thick hair covering his body, his entire face was twisted together.

In short, it is so ugly that people will feel disgusted if they look at it more.

(End of this chapter)

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