Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 469 The Patriarch of the Jiang Family

Chapter 469 The Patriarch of the Jiang Family
The aircraft flew to the center of Venus City and slowly descended.

Below is a continuous building complex, which is also the location of the Jiang family, the first family in Venus City.

The craft eventually landed on a large square.

This square is dedicated to parking aircraft.

"Su Yi, we're here."

After the aircraft landed, Jiang Piaoxue gave a reminder.


Su Yi nodded, got up and walked out.

Just as everyone stepped off the aircraft, they saw an old man with an extraordinary bearing standing opposite him. It was Jiang Li who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Su Yi, you are finally here."

There was a smile on Jiang Li's face.


Su Yi responded with a smile.

Li Caihua and the others also greeted Jiang Li one after another.

"Young Master Cao, who is this senior?"

Huo Tiancheng touched Cao Qinglang's arm and asked in a low voice.

It was the first time that Cao Qinglang was called 'Young Master Cao', and she immediately felt relieved and cleared her throat, "He is a senior of the Jiang family."

He had heard Su Yi talk about Jiang Li, but he had never met him, so he didn't know him.

Huo Tiancheng: "."

Isn't this fucking nonsense?
Hearing the movement, Jiang Haoran introduced with a smile: "He is my second grandfather Jiang Li, and he is also a warrior in the Illusory Spiritual Realm."


Huo Tiancheng took a deep breath.

Not only did I get to know two direct descendants of the Jiang family today, but I also met a strong man in the Illusory Spirit Realm, which was really an eye-opener.

Jiang Li exchanged a few words with everyone, and then told Jiang Piaoxue: "Piaoxue, take someone down to rest first, I have something to do with Su Yi."

"Okay, Second Grandpa."

Jiang Piaoxue nodded, and took Li Caihua and others to the already arranged residence.

"Su Yi, come with me." Jiang Li said with a smile.

Su Yi guessed that Jiang Li must be taking him to the other elders of the Jiang family, so he followed closely behind Jiang Li without asking any further questions.

Under Jiang Li's guidance, the two soon came to a place similar to a garden, surrounded by some flowers and plants, and the environment was quiet.

"Come with me."

Entering this garden, Jiang Li's expression became respectful, and he led Su Yi towards a thatched cottage.

When he came to the thatched cottage, Jiang Li said softly, "Old Ancestor, Su Yi has arrived."

"The ancestor of the Jiang family?"

Su Yi clicked his tongue fiercely.

Jiang Hongyi, the patriarch of the Jiang family, is a powerhouse in the supernatural realm!
Su Yi didn't expect Jiang Li to bring him to meet Jiang Hongyi directly, so it can be said that he was not prepared at all.

My heart suddenly became a little nervous.

"come in."

At this time, an old voice came from the thatched cottage.

"Su Yi, the ancestor called you." Jiang Li reminded.

Su Yi took a deep breath, pushed the door open and entered.

The furnishings in the thatched cottage were very simple, except for a few tables and chairs, there was nothing else.

At this time, there was a dry and emaciated old man sitting on a chair.

"Junior Su Yi, I have met senior!"

Su Yi faced the skinny old man and bowed.

Jiang Hongyi is not only the patriarch of the Jiang family, but also a strong man who has guarded Blue Star for countless years.

For this kind of character, he respects from the bottom of his heart.

"Su Yi, sit down." Jiang Hongyi said gently.

Although he is a supernatural being, he looks very kind and has no pretensions.

"Thank you senior."

Su Yi responded, and sat across from Jiang Hongyi, sitting upright.

"Su Yi, you have a marriage contract with that girl Piaoxue, and you are also a member of my Jiang family, so don't be cautious." Jiang Hongyi smiled.

"Good senior."

Su Yi said it well, but he still sat upright.

There is no way!
It is impossible for anyone to relax in a short time when they first come into contact with a supernatural power.

(End of this chapter)

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