Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 474 Visit by the Lord of Yanyue City

Chapter 474 Visit by the Lord of Yanyue City


Su Yi said with a smile: "Senior, if necessary, I can help decipher."

What Jiang Cheng was waiting for was Su Yi's words, and he said happily: "That's great, I happen to have an ancient alchemy formula waiting to be deciphered."

"Dan Fang?"

Su Yi's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Senior, is an alchemist?"

"I am a high-grade alchemist!"

Jiang Cheng added a sentence, and said proudly: "If I hadn't put all my thoughts into refining the elixir, I might have been promoted to the realm of the gods now!"

"a shame!"

The three of Jiang Li sighed helplessly.

Jiang Cheng's talent for cultivation was really good, even stronger than the three of them.

But it would be a bit bragging to say that he was promoted to the realm of the gods.

If it's so easy to advance to the Divine Realm, there won't be only three in the entire Blue Star.

"Senior is really amazing!" Su Yi praised without hesitation.

These words did not mean to be flattering, but out of emotion.

In Blue Star, there are almost only a handful of high-grade alchemists.

If one wants to become a high-grade alchemist, one must gather two kinds of souls, the fire soul and the soul.

Based on this alone, it shows that Jiangcheng is definitely not simple.

"It's just normal."

Jiang Cheng laughed heartily.

Su Yi's words made him very useful.

At this moment, the more he looked at Su Yi, the more pleasing he was.

"Senior, when will you decipher the formula?" Su Yi asked.

He also intends to develop into an alchemist, so he attaches great importance to alchemy.

After deciphering the pill formula for Jiangcheng, he will have it himself.

"Right now." Jiang Cheng said impatiently.

The pill formula in his hand has been deciphered by many people, but they have never been successful.

Therefore, the last hope was pinned on Su Yi.

"Fifth, Su Yi has just arrived and hasn't had a rest yet," Jiang Li reminded.

Su Yi came all the way here, he always wanted to take a rest, and he would have to help Su Yi to do things when he came up.

"Senior, it's okay."

Su Yi said indifferently: "Anyway, it doesn't take much time to decipher the ancient characters."

"That's fine."

Jiang Li nodded and said nothing more.

He had seen Su Yi's ability to decipher ancient characters, and it really didn't take a few minutes.

"Su Yi, are you deciphering here or another place?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Seeing that Su Yi spoke with such confidence, he immediately looked forward to it.

"Just find a quieter place." Su Yi thought for a while and said.

To decipher the Yinkewen, you need to use the [Pupil of Bright Enlightenment], and if it is the Jinquewen, you also need to use the [Eye of Illusion].

For the time being, he doesn't want to show anyone these two kinds of pupil skills.

"There is a study next to it, I will take you there."

Jiang Cheng pulled Su Yi out.

But at this moment, a middle-aged man dressed as a servant walked over quickly, and said to Jiang Canyang, "Patriarch, Yanyue City advocates Zhihang to bring someone to visit."

"What is Zhang Zhihang doing here?"

Jiang Canyang and the others were a little puzzled.

Zhang Zhihang is the city lord of Yanyue City, and also a warrior of the Illusory Spirit Realm, with a very unusual status.

However, they didn't have any intersection with each other.

Then Zhang Zhihang came here suddenly, what is the so-called reason?
"Hou Ying, invite City Lord Zhang and others to come in." Jiang Canyang ordered to the middle-aged man.

Zhang Zhihang is always a fighter in the Illusory Spirit Realm, so he should treat each other with courtesy.


Hou Ying responded and left quickly.

Soon they returned with three men.

These three men, two old and one young.

The two old men were one tall and the other short. The tall one had silver hair but was hale and hearty.

The short old man was wearing a blue long gown, he was a little fat, and he always had a faint smile on his face.

And that young man, who seemed to be in his 20s, had sword eyebrows, star eyes, and a dignified appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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