Chapter 476 I Did It
"Patriarch Jiang, don't worry, all the half-orcs have been wiped out."

Zhang Zhihang knew what Jiang Canyang meant, so he quickly explained.

"That's good."

Jiang Canyang and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Zhang, it's fortunate that you discovered it in time this time and wiped out the half-orcs, otherwise Blue Star would have another powerful enemy." Jiang Li said seriously.

If the half-orcs cannot be found in time, wait for the boundary channel to be completely stabilized.

Then the half-orcs will send a large number of strong men to the blue star, and then they will evolve into the second magic light clan.

Then the pressure on human beings will also multiply.

"Brother Jiang misunderstood, we did not discover the half-orc race, nor did we eradicate it." Zhang Zhihang laughed.


Jiang Li and the others were stunned.

Originally, they all thought that Zhang Zhihang led the people from Yanyue City to do it.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhihang denied it flatly.

Then, who was the one who killed the half-orcs?

"I inquired about it, and the matter of exterminating the half-orcs seems to have something to do with your Jiang family." Zhang Zhihang said meaningfully.

He also found out about this matter from Yu Zeyang.

According to Yu Zeyang's account, an aircraft belonging to the Jiang family happened to appear there at that time.

"Is it related to us?"

Jiang Li and the others were a little confused.

Muran, they thought that Huang Yi was driving the aircraft through the Yunchuan Mountains. Could it be that Huang Yi led people to do it?
Thinking of this, they all looked at Su Yi and asked, "Su Yi, did you do it?"

"I did it."

Su Yi admitted.

Originally, he didn't intend to hide this matter.


Jiang Li and the others had weird eyes.

According to Su Yi, it seems that he did it by himself.

But does Su Yi really have this ability?
Su Yi explained: "Those half-orcs with the highest level are only at the first level of Soul Gathering Realm, and the number is less than two hundred, so I can kill them all."


Jiang Li and the others were relieved.

Su Yi has been promoted to the first level of the Soul Gathering Realm, and his real combat power is stronger than the fourth level of the Soul Gathering Realm. It is not a problem to kill some demons whose highest combat power is only at the first level of the Soul Gathering Realm.

When he heard Su Yi's name, Zhang Canyang's eyes suddenly shone brightly, and then he began to look at Su Yi.

Zhang Zhihang and Jin Hongxuan looked shocked.

The two of them didn't know the details of Su Yi, and it was the first time they had heard of Su Yi.

However, they could see clearly that Su Yi was very young, not even 20 years old.

He was able to kill so many half-orcs before he was 20 years old, including those at the first level of Soul Gathering Realm.

Is this really possible?

Zhang Zhihang asked Jiang Li curiously: "Brother Jiang, is Su Yi from your Jiang family?"

"Su Yi and Piaoxue have already made a marriage contract, so they are naturally counted as members of our Jiang family." Jiang Li laughed.

Zhang Zhihang's expression changed.

Jiang Piaoxue is not only beautiful, but also very talented, she can definitely be regarded as the girl of heaven.

There used to be many young heroes who came to propose marriage, wanting to marry Jiang Piaoxue, but they were all declined by Jiang's family.

Never thought about it, but betrothed Jiang Piaoxue to Su Yi.

From this point alone, it can be deduced that Su Yi is either of unusual status, or he is definitely a genius in cultivation.

Zhang Zhihang turned to look at Su Yi, and asked, "Su Yi, how old are you, and what cultivation level are you now?"

"Seventeen, first stage of Gathering Soul Realm." Su Yi said lightly.


Zhang Zhihang and Jin Hongxuan gasped, stunned.

At the age of 17, he can be promoted to the Gathering Soul Realm, which has never happened in Blue Star.

What a monster this is!
Much stronger than Zhang Canyang.

(End of this chapter)

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