Chapter 488 The True Genius

"That thing is not easy to cultivate, you'd better be mentally prepared." [Smart Chariot] said to himself.

No matter what supernatural power it is, the difficulty of cultivation is extremely difficult. Even if it reaches the level of minor success, it needs countless experience and sweat.

So I feel that Su Yi is a little too hasty?

Su Yi smiled and did not explain.

Afterwards, he watched the cultivation method of [Body and Sword Unity] again, and after he had fully comprehended it, he took out the [Zixiao Qinglei Sword].

[Zixiaoqing Thunder Sword] is a thunder weapon, and he has only condensed thunder soul so far.

Using [Zixiao Qinglei Sword] is easier to integrate with Lei Lingqi, and it is easier to practice.

When Lei Lingqi slowly poured into the [Zixiao Qinglei Sword], Su Yi jumped forward according to the cultivation method of [Body and Sword Unity].

Muran, the whole body was full of thunder and light, and it seemed to be integrated with [Zixiao Qinglei Sword], turning into a blue giant sword that seemed real but not real, and only shot out towards the front.

A loud bang.

But the blue giant sword hit heavily on the stone wall of the secret room, opening a crack in the thick stone wall.

The whole secret room also trembled violently.

Jiang Piaoxue, who was outside the secret room, was surprised when she heard such a big movement in the secret room, and said in a daze, "What's going on? Isn't Su Yi practicing sword-type supernatural powers? He has achieved something so quickly?"

The entire secret room is made of a very hard boulder, which can even withstand the attack strength of the sixth level of Gathering Soul Realm.

For Su Yi to cause such a big commotion, he must have used some kind of supernatural power.

But Su Yi said on the way here that he just obtained that swordsmanship supernatural power.

This also shows that Su Yi is practicing for the first time.

Can the first practice cause such a big commotion?

Jiang Piaoxue thought it was impossible, maybe she was thinking too much.

In the secret room, Su Yi glanced at the damaged wall and shook his head secretly: "It's still a little worse."

The attack of [Body and Sword Unity] just now seems to be very strong, but in fact, it has no form and no spirit, and it is still far from the realm of Xiaocheng.

He was very dissatisfied with this.

[Smart Chariot] Shouted in surprise: "Su Yi, is this really the first time you practice this supernatural power of swordsmanship?"

He had some doubts whether Su Yi had practiced long ago.

Otherwise, no one can reach this level of cultivation for the first time.

"It's the first time, is there a problem?"

Su Yi said lightly.


【Smart Chariot】Looked blankly for a moment, then looked at Su Yi in a daze, "Su Yi, you are not a genius, are you?"

Su Yi: "."

Isn't this fucking nonsense?
If the 21-star talent is not a genius, wouldn't everyone else be useless?
Besides, his reputation as a genius has already broken out of the source city, and he has become famous in Xigan County.

Anyone who knew him didn't know he was a genius?
[Smart Chariot] He also expressed doubts, could it be jealousy?
"What do you think?" Su Yi asked back.

[Smart Chariot] After pondering for a while, he said: "It's a little bit powerful, but it's still far from a real genius."

Although Su Yi didn't care much about false fame, he was still very upset after hearing what [Smart Chariot] said.

In Blue Star, who is more talented than him?
If he is not a real genius, who is worthy of it?
At this moment, he felt more and more that [Smart Chariot] was jealous of him, and the purpose of saying these words was to scare him off.

"Then tell me who is the real genius."

Su Yi was a little unconvinced.

(End of this chapter)

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