Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 492 You Have One Common Feature

Chapter 492 You have one thing in common
"Hurry up and eat."

Su Yi put the top grade spirit crystal into the mouth of the soul beast.


The spirit beast was not polite either, and chewed it like a jelly bean.

After eating, he looked at Su Yi longingly, and said, "Su Yi, the top-grade spirit crystal is so delicious, do you have any more? Give me some."

Su Yi's eyelids twitched violently, thinking that the Spirit Beast really regarded him as a brother, it was not polite to him at all!

The ultimate spiritual crystal is not a Chinese cabbage, it is a life-saving thing at critical times.

There are only eight left on him, so he won't let the spirit beast continue to ruin him like this.

Su Yi cleared his throat, and said: "I only have one top-quality spirit crystal, and I originally planned to keep it to save my life, but whoever said that we are friends, of course I have to give it to you first. When I get the top-quality spirit crystal next time, I will definitely give it to you again." Give you some to fill you up."

"Su Yi, thank you!"

The spirit beast was moved.

Su Yi only has one, but he only thinks about him, he is indeed a true brother!

"Su Yi, what kind of strange beast is this?"

At this time, Cao Qinglang came up and asked curiously.

"It's called a spirit beast, and it's also my friend."

Su Yi smiled, and then said: "Old Cao, speaking of it, you still have a lot in common."

"Are you saying we're all fat?"

Cao Qinglang glanced at the chubby body of the spirit beast, and said subconsciously.

"What you're talking about is superficial. The two of you still have one thing in common." Su Yi said meaningfully.


Cao Qinglang's eyes widened, a little curious.

"Both of you are foodies!" Su Yi said seriously.

Spirit beasts advance by eating spirit crystals, and Cao Qinglang advances by eating pills, aren't they both foodies?
The two of them together are real brothers.

"Ha ha."

Su Lin couldn't help laughing out loud.

Cao Qinglang's face was dark.

Su Yi compares him with a strange beast, isn't that humiliating him?
The spirit beast looked at Cao Qinglang with disgust.

This person and beast both look down on each other.

"Brother-in-law, it's time for dinner, let's go eat." Jiang Haoran said suddenly.


Su Yi nodded.

From morning to now, they have only eaten one breakfast, and there is indeed some.

The Jiang family has a big business and a large number of people. There are several places to eat.

Jiang Haoran took everyone to one of them.

Apart from Jiang Haoran and Jiang Piaoxue, the Jiang family accompanied Jiang Canyang and Jiang Li.

After eating, everyone returned to the courtyard.

Jiang Haoran proposed to play poker together for entertainment, and Cao Qinglang and others agreed.

Su Yi didn't have this interest, he still wanted to practice [unity of body and sword].

So he said to Jiang Piaoxue: "Senior Sister Jiang, let's go for a walk."

Taking a walk at night is more romantic, and it was Su Yi who offered it, and Jiang Piaoxue happily agreed.

Later, the two wandered around Jiang's house for a while, and unknowingly walked near the secret room they had visited before.

At this time, Su Yi said: "Senior Sister Jiang, I suddenly had an inspiration and wanted to go to the secret room to practice for a while."

Jiang Piaoxue: "."

Wouldn't it be nice to have a walk?Why do you want to practice again?
Jiang Piaoxue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Su Yi, isn't your aura exhausted? How do you cultivate?"

"In fact, I still have a superb spirit stone." Su Yi said.

The top-grade spirit crystal can replenish spiritual energy instantly, and with spiritual energy, one can practice.

Jiang Piaoxue was startled.

Didn't Su Yi say that there is no more?
Even if there is, it can't be wasted like this, right?

(End of this chapter)

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