Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 501 Don't Seriously

Chapter 501 Don't Seriously

After a long time, there was no movement in Huo Tiancheng's room.

Su Yi became a little angry, and continued to shout: "If you don't come out, I will go in to find you!"

"Squeak" sound.

The door opened, and Huo Tiancheng walked out with a tired look on his face.

"Old Huo, what's the matter with you?"

Both Cao Qinglang and Su Lin were a little strange.

Looking at Huo Tiancheng's appearance, it was as if he hadn't slept all night.

Indeed, last night, every time Huo Tiancheng thought about being tortured by Su Yi today, he tossed and turned without sleep.

"Not feeling well, didn't rest well."

Huo Tiancheng gave a wry smile, came to Su Yi's side, and said pitifully, "Su Yi, I really didn't lie to you, or you will deal with me next time?"


Su Yi sized up Huo Tiancheng suspiciously, then reached out and patted Huo Tiancheng's shoulder without warning.

"It's over!"

Huo Tiancheng thumped inwardly, and even closed his eyes, silently waiting for the punishment to come.

But after waiting for a while, he found that he was still standing on the ground properly, and was not pressed into the soil.

"Could it be that Su Yi's conscience discovered it?"

Huo Tian was suspicious on purpose, and secretly looked at Su Yi.

But at this moment, Su Yi said with a smile: "I was joking with you before, don't take it seriously."

He was just a little pissed off at the time.

After pushing Huo Tiancheng into the soil, he frightened him again, and his anger disappeared.


Huo Tiancheng was dumbfounded, and turned his head to look at Cao Qinglang and the two, "That's not what they said yesterday."

"Old Huo is too naive!"

Su Lin and Cao Qinglang desperately suppressed their laughter.

Seeing the appearance of Su Lin and the two of them, Huo Tiancheng suddenly understood that he had been played by someone.

"You two are so disgusting!"

Huo Tian shouted angrily.

"Okay, aren't you feeling sick, go back and rest." Su Yi reminded.

"Su Yi, I'm in very good condition now. Aren't you going out? I'll go with you too." Huo Tiancheng said energetically.

After learning that Su Yi was just joking with him, he felt a lot more relaxed.

Su Yi: "."

Su Lin: "."

Cao Qinglang: "."

Huo Tiancheng looked sick just now, but he was revived in a blink of an eye?
Also, how did Huo Tiancheng know that they were going out?

You won't be peeping all the time, will you?
"Go and go."

Su Yi didn't care too much.

The three waited in the yard for a while, and suddenly a group of people came.

It's just that they all know each other, Jiang Piaoxue, Jiang Li and other Jiang family members, and Zhang Zhihang.

Su Yi Muran thought that Zhang Canyang must have come to him to discuss.

But so many people came to watch the fun all of a sudden, isn't it too exciting to mobilize the crowd?
In fact, Su Yi didn't know that he and Zhang Canyang were among the top geniuses among Blue Star's younger generation.

No one will not pay attention to the discussion between them.

"Junior Brother Su, are you ready?" Zhang Canyang was eager to try.

"I have no problem, but this place is not suitable?" Su Yi said.

The destructive power of the competition between Gathering Soul Realm is still great.

Maybe even the yard was overturned.

"Su Yi, we have already made arrangements in the Martial Arts Field, so we can go directly to the Martial Arts Field." Jiang Li said with a smile.

"Then go to the Martial Arts Field."

Su Yi nodded.

Behind, everyone headed towards the martial arts field in a mighty manner.

Although Cao Qinglang and the others didn't know what happened, they still followed curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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