Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 525 Escape from the Woods

Chapter 525 Escape from the Woods
"Depend on!"

Su Yi couldn't help but swear.

If the monkeys don't leave, they can't go up.

But if they want to escape from the monkey group's attack range, they can only leave the forest, and the only way to leave is to continue digging tunnels.

"I don't know how big this forest is?"

Su Yi glanced at his slightly torn fingers, his expression a little melancholy.

"Su Yi, this forest is about tens of acres in size, but fortunately, we are very close to the edge, and we can leave only 100 meters ahead." [Smart Chariot] reminded.

As long as they leave the woods, the threat of monkeys to them will be reduced to zero, and they will be safe.

"100 meters"

Su Yi groaned, and then cast [Smelting Golden Body], wrapped his hands in golden scales, and began to dig forward.

Wrapping the scale armor with both hands, the defense power is improved, so there is no need to worry about bald skin.

Because I was too worried before, I didn't consider this point.

Later, Su Yi turned into a super excavator, and within a few minutes, he dug forward 100 meters.

"Number 2, should you leave the woods?"

After taking a breath, Su Yi asked.

If you're out of the woods, just dig straight up from here to the ground.

"Just left the woods, but still within the attack range of the monkeys, I suggest you dig 20 meters forward." [Smart Chariot] said.

The cultivation base of that group of monkeys is not high, but their strength is generally relatively strong.

If you get too close to the woods and show your head boldly, you are likely to suffer another round of wild bombardment.

Su Yi was right after thinking about it, and continued to dig 20 meters forward, and then dug all the way up.

After digging out the soil on the ground, he slowly poked his head out and glanced back.

However, more than 20 meters away, there was that towering tree, and a dozen monkeys were staying on the crown of the tree, as if they were investigating.

Arriving here is considered a safe place.

Su Yi let out a sigh of relief and crawled out of the hole.

Cao Qinglang and others followed closely behind.

When the monkeys saw Su Yi and the others, they roared angrily.

After a while, another large number of monkeys jumped over.

However, they never left the woods from beginning to end, and they stayed in the trees all the time.


Cao Qinglang spat at the monkeys and scolded: "You bastards, if you have the ability, come down and challenge me one-on-one!"

Everyone was a little speechless.

When Cao Qinglang talked to a group of monkeys, could the monkeys understand?

Even if you understand it, who would come over and challenge you one-on-one foolishly.

Isn't this a waste of saliva?

[Smart Chariot] Touched Su Yi lightly, and said in a low voice: "Su Yi, your friend has a certain brain problem. After you go out, you must take the time to take a look."

Su Yi: "."

I think you have a problem, right?

Cao Qinglang didn't think much of you, why did you attack personally?

If you don't find someone to pinch a few words for a fucking day, you feel uncomfortable all over, don't you?
"Just take care of yourself, don't look for trouble all day long!" Su Yi snorted.

On the other side, Cao Qinglang cursed for a while, and the group of monkeys seemed to understand, and all roared.

Some even held nuts and threw them at Cao Qinglang, but the distance was too far, and those nuts only flew half way before falling.

However, there was a monkey with a tuft of golden hair on top of its head, its strength far surpassed the other monkeys, and the nuts it threw almost reached Cao Qinglang's feet.

Cao Qinglang was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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