Chapter 529 Wukong
"It's okay, follow your heart, I will respect your choice." Su Yi said gently.

The Monkey King felt a little hairy.

The more harmless Su Yi looked, the more frightened he was.

When Su Yi rushed into the woods before, he was holding a pitch-black long sword and killed an unknown number of gibbon monkeys. His strength and ferocity left an indelible impression on him.

He also understood Su Yi's meaning, so he said without hesitation: "Master, I am willing to be by your side."

"very good!"

Su Yi reached out and touched the Monkey King's head, then asked, "Do you have a name?"

The monkey king thought for a while and said, "I don't have a name, but other long-armed monkeys call me king!"


Jiang Haoran said disdainfully: "You are only at the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm, what qualifications do you have to be a king? You are not afraid of being laughed at if you say it."

Hearing this, the eyes of Cao Qinglang and Zhang Canyang became strange.

Jiang Haoran is only at the sixth level of the Body Tempering Realm, and he is not as high as the Monkey King, so how could he have the nerve to laugh at the Monkey King?
[Smart Chariot] taunted: "Yo Yo, our Young Master Jiang is really awesome, he is only at the sixth level of the Body Tempering Realm, and I am ashamed to look down on the Tenth Level of the Body Tempering Realm, who gave you the confidence!"

Zhang Canyang whispered to Cao Qinglang who was beside him, "Did No. 2 have a feud with Jiang Haoran?"

He didn't understand why [Smart Chariot] always likes to fight with Jiang Haoran?
Cao Qinglang nodded, "There are indeed conflicts, but it's all because No. 2 has a problem with his brain, and he always finds fault for no reason."

Wasn't he insulted by [Smart Chariot] before, he is still a little aggrieved now, and at this time he naturally sided with Jiang Haoran.

"is it?"

Zhang Canyang chuckled lightly.

Jiang Haoran's face was red and white, and he glared at [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, if you dare to provoke me again, I will really beat you up!"

"I'm so scared!"

[Smart Chariot] With a smile, it suddenly becomes the size of a base vehicle, "Come on! See if I can crush you to death!"

"Did you two take my words as deaf ears?"

Su Yi's face darkened, and a faint murderous aura dissipated.

Knowing that Su Yi was angry, Jiang Haoran and [Smart Chariot] settled down.

Su Yi ignored him, and turned to look at the Monkey King, "Since you don't have a name, I'll give you one, and you'll be called Wukong in the future."


The Monkey King was stunned.

Does the name mean anything?Or just casually?

Cao Qinglang asked curiously, "Su Yi, why did you give him this name?"

Su Yi didn't answer, but took a look at Cao Qinglang, "Bajie, what did you say?"

Cao Qinglang: "???"

What the hell Bajie?Su Yi won't be out of his mind, will he?

Su Yi smiled, "I just think the name sounds good, and it has no other meaning. Since Wukong has followed me, he can be regarded as our friend. Don't bully him in the future."

After the words fell, he turned to the Monkey King again, and said meaningfully: "The premise is to be obedient."

"The master is wise and mighty! Wukong will absolutely obey your words and will not violate your will." Monkey King Wukong promised.


Cao Qinglang muttered secretly.

"Okay, let's set off to look for fire blue fruit."

Su Yi nodded and ordered: "Wukong, you lead the way!"

Behind, under the leadership of Wukong, everyone rushed towards the place where Huo Languo was.

Su Yi put the [Smart Chariot] in his pocket.

[Smart Chariot] The damage is too severe, he should be repaired.

(End of this chapter)

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