Chapter 539 Action
Cao Qinglang and the others were dumbfounded.

Even the ancient dragons in the center of the earth are so powerful, Su Yi still refuses to let go, is he a bit too inflated?
Zhang Canyang swallowed, and persuaded: "Su Yi, you have also seen the defensive power of the ancient dragon in the center of the earth. Even if you use [Body and Sword Unity], you may not be able to break through the defense. If you can't break the defense, there is nothing you can do about it."

If Su Yi is also at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm, he can easily kill the ancient dragon in the center of the earth by using [Body and Sword Unity].

But the key point is that Su Yicai is at the first level of Soul Gathering Realm, and the gap between him and the ancient dragon in the center of the earth is too great.

"I have another way."

Su Yi chuckled.

The method he said was to spend with the ancient dragon in the center of the earth.

Because he has top-grade spirit crystals that can quickly recover his aura, as long as the aura of the ancient dragon in the center of the earth is exhausted, he can subdue him.

"Do you have a solution?"

Zhang Canyang had a look of disbelief.

"Senior brother Zhang, you will go out later to attract the attention of the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, and help me create a chance to get close." Su Yi said.


Seeing Su Yi's persistence, Zhang Canyang gritted his teeth and nodded.

Su Yi turned to Cao Qinglang and Wukong and said: "When you are about to do something, run away and don't get close."


Cao Qinglang and Jiang Haoran expressed their understanding.

The ancient dragon in the center of the earth went crazy and could destroy everything. Even if Su Yi didn't remind them, they didn't dare to get close.

"Senior brother Zhang, you can act now." Su Yi reminded.

Jiang Haoran took a deep breath, rushed out from the grass, looked at the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, and shouted: "Nonsense! Dare you fight me!"

Su Yi was stunned on the spot.

Asking you to go out to attract the attention of the ancient dragon in the center of the earth is not to ask you to go out and pretend to be aggressive.

If you do this, the ancient dragon at the core of the earth won't tear you apart?

Su Yi sighed, and quickly lurked towards the ancient dragon in the center of the earth.

Cao Qinglang and Wukong lay on the ground, desperately moving backwards.

On the other side, the ancient dragon in the core of the earth was provoked by Zhang Canyang, roared angrily, and then rushed towards Zhang Canyang.

dong dong dong.
His thick limbs kept rubbing against the ground, and every time he took a step, the ground rumbled like an earthquake.

When the core dragon was about to rush forward, Zhang Canyang raised his hand and shot a fireball the size of a washbasin, and then quickly flew back.

Although he has confidence in his own strength, he also has self-knowledge.

Facing a powerful alien beast of the level of the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, once it gets close, the horror will be crushed in an instant.

Seeing the fireball flying towards the occasion, a hint of sarcasm appeared in the scarlet blood eyes of the ancient earth core dragon.

But it opened its mouth and spewed out a fireball, twice the size of the fireball released by Zhang Canyang.


The two fireballs collided, and the flames blazed.

Zhang Canyang's fireball was crushed directly.

Seeing this, Zhang Canyang retreated even faster.

The fireball of the ancient dragon hit Zhang Canyang's original position heavily, blasting the ground into a deep pit several meters in size, and the surrounding area was scorched black.

The geocentric ancient dragon had no intention of letting Zhang Canyang go, and continued to pursue Zhang Canyang.

It was as if a small mountain rolled over, smoke and dust billowed along the way, and the earth trembled.

Zhang Canyang's face turned pale slightly, and after a struggle, a huge red sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

He himself is not good at speed, and he can't outrun the ancient dragon at the core of the earth.

Rather than being caught up, it's better to use [Body and Sword Unity] to fight, at least it can create opportunities for Su Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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