Chapter 553

"Su Yi, Brother Zhang is injured." Cao Qinglang said hastily.

Su Yi's expression tightened, and he quickly looked at Zhang Canyang, only to see Zhang Canyang's face was pale, and there was still a bloodstain on his chest.

"Su Yi, I'm okay."

Zhang Canyang squeezed out a smile, and then reminded: "Among those beetles, there is a bug king whose strength is comparable to the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm, so be careful."

Seeing that Zhang Canyang was still smiling, Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then turned and looked towards the sky.

However, among the dense swarm of insects, there was a particularly large one that looked like a big turtle.

This beetle should be the king of insects.


Suddenly, the beetles around seemed to have received an order, and rushed towards Su Yi like a tide.

The entire sky suddenly darkened.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Cao Qinglang and the others in the car changed, and they were also a little worried about Su Yi.


Su Yi was fearless, kicked his feet suddenly, and shot upwards like a rocket.

In the middle of the air, the four wings on the back flapped, and the speed soared in vain, and it rushed straight towards the insect king.

To capture the thief, first capture the king, as long as the insect king is killed, the other beetles will be nothing to worry about.

The insect king seemed to realize the danger and let out a strange cry.

The beetles surrounding it blocked it one after another, and most of the rest continued to pounce on Su Yi.

In an instant, Su Yi was completely surrounded.

But the strange thing was that every time those beetles jumped three meters in front of Su Yi, they seemed to hit an invisible barrier and bounced away one after another.

Therefore, no matter how many beetles there are, they can't stop Su Yi's progress at all.

"What method did Su Yi use?"

Cao Qinglang and the others were dumbfounded.

Surrounded by tens of thousands of beetles, Su Yi felt like he was in no man's land. He was too vigorous!
Moreover, Su Yi's body seemed to have a protective cover, and those beetles couldn't get close at all.

They didn't know that Su Yi released his soul power to add a layer of defense to himself.

How powerful is the soul power at the third level of Soul Gathering Realm, and how could a mere beetle be able to break through?


Su Yi rushed up to the insect king, raised his hand and threw out a [Tiger Tiangang Fist], and released a thunder aura to wrap it.

bang bang
The violent thunder spirit raged first, and all the beetles standing in front of the bug king were blasted into pieces.

But the insect king didn't flinch in the slightest. It screamed and was covered in a thick yellow halo. It opened its huge mouth and collided with Su Yi's fist.

There was a bang.

The insect king trembled violently, and was sent flying with a punch.

In the process of flying backwards, I don't know how many beetles were killed.

For a moment, the corpses of the beetles fell from the sky, as if there was a rain of insects.

At the same time, the voice of the system rang in Su Yi's mind.

"Touch the black beetle king to extract the defensive properties of the carapace, automatically fuse with [Smelting Golden Body], and the defense power of [Smelting Golden Body] will be tripled. Extract 100 soil aura, and combine with [All Spirits Gather Soul Holy Method] to derive soil soul , the host soil spiritual cultivation has been promoted to the first level of Gathering Soul Realm."

"[Smelting Golden Body] has been promoted again? Has it also condensed the earth soul?"

Su Yi was overwhelmed with surprise, and subconsciously looked towards him.

But I saw some black silk threads mixed with the original piece of golden scales.

From the appearance, it is not as good-looking as pure gold, but as long as the defense power is improved, why care about the appearance?
(End of this chapter)

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