Chapter 567
Gu Hongzhuo reminded: "I have fought against demons before, and they are very powerful. Even I am not sure of victory, so don't be careless."


Hu Xiuyuan and Yuan Siying were quite surprised.

Although the three of them are all at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm, in terms of combat effectiveness, Gu Hongzhuo is stronger than the two of them.

Even Gu Hongzhuo couldn't do anything to the devil, which shows how powerful the devil is.

Su Yi agreed with Gu Hongzhuo's statement.

Because he had seen a demon man at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm before. At that time, that demon fought fiercely with the ancient earth core dragon for a long time, and finally died under the innate supernatural power of the ancient earth core dragon.

If the ancient dragon in the core of the earth didn't have supernatural powers, it wouldn't be able to kill that demon at all.

This alone shows the strength of the devil.

Once they are careless, they may really suffer a big loss.

Gu Hongzhuo continued: "In addition to guarding against the devil, we also need to pay attention to the strange beasts here, especially the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, which is very powerful."

Su Yi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Gu Hongzhuo also knew that there was an ancient dragon in the center of the earth.

It's just that the ancient dragon in the center of the earth has been adopted by him as a spiritual pet, so there is no need to worry about it.

"Brother Gu, don't worry about the ancient dragon at the center of the earth."

Hu Xiuyuan said carelessly: "The ancient dragon in the core of the earth is almost dead."

Although he didn't see Su Yi kill the ancient earth core dragon, according to the situation at that time, the ancient earth core dragon would basically be beheaded by Su Yi.

"Dead? How did you die?"

Gu Hongzhuo was extremely surprised.

According to the news he learned, the ancient dragon in the center of the earth is not only a strange beast in the fourth level of the Soul Gathering Realm, but also possesses twin souls, and its strength is unparalleled.

Even he may not be an opponent, who can kill the ancient dragon in the center of the earth?

Gu Yiting glanced at Hu Xiuyuan in a daze, and asked tentatively, "Did you kill him?"

"It was my good friend Su Yi who killed him."

When Hu Xiuyuan spoke, he was a little proud.

It felt as if Su Yi was really his good friend.

Su Yi was speechless.

Hu Xiuyuan opened his mouth and kept talking about his friends, without any compulsion.

Didn't I think about whether he would dislike it?
Gu Hongzhuo looked at Su Yi dumbfounded, "Su Yi, is it true?"

Isn't Su Yi only at the first level of Soul Gathering Realm?Even if the fighting strength is beyond the charts, it is impossible to kill the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, right?
Yuan Siying and Gu Yiting were also surprised, and looked at Su Yi in a daze.

Under the gaze of all eyes, Su Yi said calmly: "I didn't kill the ancient dragon in the center of the earth."

This is not a lie, because the ancient dragon at the core of the earth has become his spiritual pet.


Gu Hongzhuo and Yuan Siying let out a sigh of relief.

If Su Yi could really kill the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, how powerful would it be?
At least several grades stronger than them.

They are all the best of the younger generation, and it would be unacceptable for them to be compared to Su Yi.

"You didn't kill?"

Hu Xiuyuan looked at Su Yi with a puzzled face, and asked, "I saw you rubbing the earth core ancient dragon on the ground, how could you not kill it?"


Gu Hongzhuo and the others were stunned.

Su Yi pressed the ancient dragon at the center of the earth and rubbed it on the ground?
Do you want to be so vigorous?

Su Yi smiled, "It's true that I didn't kill it, I just took it as a spiritual pet."

Hu Xiuyuan: "."

Gu Yiting: "."

Gu Hongzhuo: "."

Yuan Siying: "."

Conquering the ancient dragon at the core of the earth is several times more difficult than killing the ancient dragon at the core of the earth.

Su Yi is already so powerful?

Before, they thought that Su Yi had no ability to kill the ancient dragon in the center of the earth, and they were somewhat balanced in their hearts.

but now.
The heart is very complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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