Chapter 572 I May Sleepwalk
All night.

Su Yi rested for the night, feeling refreshed, and the unhappiness of last night was also swept away.

Cao Qinglang and the others were still sleeping, but Su Yi didn't call them, and got out of the car alone, planning to get some fresh air.

However, when he got out of the car, he saw Yuan Siying standing opposite, and behind her was the red chariot.

"Senior Sister Yuan, what are you doing with the base car here?" Su Yi asked strangely.

Yesterday, the [Smart Chariot] was at least 50 meters away from the red base vehicle.

"Ha ha."

Yuan Siying sneered, "Should I ask you this question?"

"What do you mean?"

Su Yi was a little confused.

Yuan Siying stretched out her hand and pointed around, "Look at this place, is it the place I occupied yesterday?"

Su Yi swept around subconsciously, and suddenly realized that this was really Yuan Siying's place.

Because there is a tree nearby, it is still easy to distinguish.

But he was puzzled, he didn't order [Smart Chariot] to come over!

How come I changed places after sleeping.

Soon, Su Yi figured it out.

It must be [Smart Chariot] sneaking over while he was sleeping, the purpose is to get close to the red chariot.

This is so cheap!

Su Yi took a deep breath and smiled awkwardly, "I forgot to pull the handbrake, maybe the car rolled."

"Ha ha.."

Yuan Siying smiled and said, "I'm going uphill here, can you still go uphill if you slip the car?"

"is it?"

Su Yi smiled even more embarrassed.

Yuan Siying took a look at Su Yi and said seriously, "I'm not interested in you, so don't try your best to get close to me."

After saying that, she turned around and returned to the red chariot, and drove to another place.

Su Yi was dumbfounded: "."

My daughter-in-law is the number one beauty in Blue Star!I will fall in love with you?I think highly of myself!

Su Yi returned to the car angrily, "Number 2, you did a good job!"

He took the blame for [Smart Chariot] for no reason, and he must be held accountable.

"Su Yi, what's the matter with me? Why are you so angry so early in the morning?" [Smart Chariot] said blankly.

Hearing this, Su Yi was furious.

[Smart Chariot] pretended to be confused, thinking he was a three-year-old child.

Su Yi said coldly: "Let me ask you, who told you to drive here?"


[Smart Chariot] suddenly realized, and explained: "I may be sleepwalking, yes, I just have the problem of sleepwalking, and it can't be my fault."

Su Yi: "."

How can this explanation make him refute?

As other people woke up one after another, the foot of Qingtan Mountain became lively.

Cao Qinglang and the others got out of the car one after another and started moving around.

Su Yi glanced at Qingtan Mountain, and suddenly found that the surrounding mist surged, and they all rushed towards the mountain.

It's like being sucked in by something.

As the fog gradually decreases, the appearance of Qingtan Mountain appears.

Others also noticed this situation and gathered together.

Because they know that when all the fog disappears, the cave with the Shouxi fruit tree will open.

And at that time, maybe the devil will come to kill him, so he must be prepared in advance.

At this time, [Smart Chariot] reminded Su Yi, "Su Yi, there are four demons flying here at full speed, and they will arrive in a few minutes."


Su Yi nodded, then turned to Gu Hongzhuo and said, "Brother Gu, when the monsters come, let's deal with one of them and try to kill them as quickly as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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