Chapter 582 Wronged You
"What's delicious?" The time dirt beast showed a little interest.

"Everything is delicious."

Su Yi's eyes lit up, and he said quickly, "What do you want to eat?"

Since the time dirt beast is interested in eating, it means there is something to be said for it.

And what he lacked the most was food.

There are not only various fruits, but also various snacks and spirit crystals.

"I like to eat fruit." The time dirt beast replied.

A look of joy appeared on Su Yi's face, and he opened [Qian Kun Jie] and took out a giant watermelon, "I have plenty of fruits like this, as long as you stay with me, you can eat as much as you want."


The Time Dirt Beast's eyes lit up, drooling all over, and he said eagerly, "Quickly let me go."

Su Yi didn't dare to release the time dirt beast without taking the spirit pet pill, so he said: "I still have something to deal with here, I need to put you in a space, there are a few friends in it, you can talk to them Let's play together."


The time dirt beast kept nodding, but its eyes stayed on the giant watermelon.

Su Yi smiled and said: "But you have to promise me that you must not fight with them after you go in, because they are all my friends."

"Don't worry! I don't like fighting at all." The Time Dirt Beast promised.

"That's good."

Su Yi nodded, and opened the [Langya Ring]. Originally, he wanted to explain to Nannan and help take care of the Time Dirt Beast, but unexpectedly discovered that Nannan had fallen into a deep sleep.

Without Nannie's restraint, neither the Earth Core Ancient Dragon nor the Skycracking Eagle would be opponents of Time Dirt Beast.

In this way, if the time dirt beast is put in, it will not be at ease.

Su Yi pondered for a while, then turned to the Time Dirt Beast and said, "Little Dirty, you will be unconscious for a while after entering that space, so I have wronged you."

Time dirt beast: "."

With its IQ, it obviously couldn't understand Su Yi's meaning.

While in a daze, Su Yi punched it on the head, and then fell into a coma.

Su Yi put the Time Dirt Beast into the [Langya Ring], and told the ancient dragon in the center of the earth: "Little dragon, watch it. When it wakes up, knock it out, but you must not hurt it."

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, the Time Dirt Beast can only be kept in a coma for a while.

The earth core ancient dragon nodded to express his understanding.

Su Yi closed [Langya Jie], turned around and walked towards Dongjun Ren.

Just when he walked in front of Dong Junren, he saw a golden light rushing out of Dong Junren's body, covering Su Yi in an instant.

At this moment, Dong Junren stood up slowly, looked at Su Yi with great interest, and smiled, "Boy, you are really weird. However, it is also fortunate that you put away the time dirt beast, otherwise I can't get such a big deal."

"Not so polite."

Su Yi smiled lightly.

Dong Junren is a time spiritual practitioner, and it is not unexpected that he can wake up so quickly.

"How can you still talk?"

Dong Junren's eyeballs stared.

The golden radiance he released was also transformed by the power of time, and once it was shrouded by the power of time, not only would his actions be restricted, but his mind would also slowly become obsessed.

So why can Su Yi speak?And the eyes are as clear as water, there is no sign of coma at all.

How did he know that Su Yi is also a time spiritual cultivator at the third level of Soul Gathering Realm, and Su Yi's spiritual root is the best spiritual root, which contains more power of time than his.

What's more, Dong Junren had already spent most of his time before.

How can you handle Su Yi?
(End of this chapter)

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