Chapter 591 Already Arrived

"What kind of strange beast did Su Yi encounter, and the movement was too loud?"

When Cao Qinglang and the others heard the huge roar of the jungle, their faces were a little dignified.

A scene of Su Yi fighting with strange beasts was sketched in his mind.

On the other side, after eating a piece of watermelon, Su Yi greeted [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, it's done."

[Smart chariot] After shrinking, it came to Su Yi's side and asked, "Su Yi, what do you mean?"


Su Yi threw away the watermelon rind, raised his hand and released several thunderballs, smashing the surrounding area into pieces.

Seeing this, [Smart Chariot] fell into deep confusion.

At this time, Su Yi picked up the smart chariot and went back the same way, and said while walking, "Remember, when you go back, you will say that you killed a strange beast here, and obtained a Shouxi fruit tree and some time spiritual liquid. "

[Smart Chariot]: "."

What do you mean?
Where are the strange beasts?

Where are the Shouxi Fruit Tree and Time Essence?
[Smart Chariot] Completely confused, he asked stupidly: "Su Yi, please explain to me."

Su Yi smiled slightly, "Because I have the Shouxi Fruit Tree and Time Essence on my body."

[Smart Chariot] I was stunned for a moment, and when I realized it, I suddenly yelled, "Damn it! You won't take the things in the cave by yourself, right?"

Everyone suspected that the devil stole the things before.

But now it looks like that's not the case at all.

The instigator turned out to be Su Yi, and all the good things were in Su Yi's hands, but the devil was the one to take the blame.

It's a good trick to deceive everyone. Everyone was deceived.

[Smart chariot] Immediately cast admiration for Su Yi.

"Why can't you keep your voice down, for fear that others won't know?" Su Yi snorted.


[Smart Chariot] Hurry up and apologize.

Su Yi said meaningfully: "Now you know why I asked you to come out to act?"


[Smart Chariot] One point is transparent.

Later, if you want to exchange the red chariot with Yuan Siying, you need to take out the Shouxi Fruit.

Where did the Shouxi fruit come from?Of course it was obtained in this jungle.

And it was snatched after fighting a powerful strange beast for [-] rounds and beheading it.

Such a big commotion before is a good illustration of this point.

Of course, this rhetoric may be a bit rough and not completely convincing.

But it's a pretty good idea anyway.

"Don't let your mouth slip."

Su Yi gave a warning, and in vain speeded up and flew towards the other side.

"Su Yi, are you okay?"

Seeing Su Yi galloping out, Cao Qinglang and others stepped forward to inquire.


Su Yi smiled slightly, and then put the [Smart Chariot] on the ground.

After the [Smart Chariot] becomes bigger, invite everyone to get on the car.

"Su Yi, are we not looking for spiritual materials anymore?" Cao Qinglang asked suspiciously.

Didn't you come here just for spiritual materials, how can you just leave?
"It's already here."

Su Yi said with a smile: "The harvest is not bad, a Shouxi fruit tree plus some time spiritual liquid."


Cao Qinglang and the others were amazed.

Su Yi went to the jungle, and simply got back a Shouxi fruit tree and time elixir?

This is too incredible, right?

"Su Yi, are you serious?"

Zhang Canyang still doesn't believe it.

Su Yi nodded and said, "Everything is in my storage ring, of course it's real."

"But how do you know that there are Shouxi fruit trees and time elixir inside?" Zhang Canyang said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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