Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 594 Acquired the Red Chariot

Chapter 594 Acquired the Red Chariot
"Su Yi, what are you doing?"

Gu Hongzhuo approached and questioned Su Yi angrily.

"Brother Gu, first eat a piece of watermelon to suppress the fire."

Su Yi smiled and handed Gu Hongzhuo a piece of watermelon.

"Don't eat." Gu Hongzhuo said angrily.

The plan has been disrupted, how can I be in the mood to eat watermelon.

"Su Yi, why on earth did you do this?" Hu Xiuyuan asked in confusion.

Su Yi took a bite of the watermelon and said slowly, "I thought about it on the way here, the devil is not a fool, he must have guessed that we would ambush nearby. Then he might adopt other methods, such as flying over or digging Burrow."

"It will be too late to stop it when the time comes, so it's better to just wait here for him."

Hearing this, Cao Qinglang and the others were stunned for a moment.

Aren't flying and digging burrows Su Yi's forte?Demons do this too?
Gu Hongzhuo and the three looked at each other, they felt that Su Yi's idea was a bit wild.

How can the devil fly?

It is possible to dig a hole, but how many days will it take to dig?Too late in time?
It's just that they also considered that if Su Yi's guess was correct, the devil would really take advantage of him, so they almost accepted Su Yi's statement.

Gu Hongzhuo said again, "Even if you're in this block of demons, you can't lead others to play Landlords, can you?"

Su Yi said with a smile: "Doudizhu can be regarded as creating an illusion for the devil, making him think that we didn't pay attention to him at all. If it's not true, maybe the devil will be fooled."

Gu Hongzhuo thought for a while, and it seemed to be such a reason, so he didn't say anything more.

Yuan Siying looked at Su Yi, her eyes flickered slightly, and asked, "Su Yi, how did you gain?"

What she asked was naturally whether Su Yi had found the Shouxi fruit.

"It's not bad."

Su Yi ate the last mouthful of watermelon and smiled slightly, "I got some time liquid and a Shouxi fruit."


Gu Hongzhuo and the others were all shocked.

Su Yi got the time liquid and the fruit of Shouxi, so he was lucky, right?

Yuan Siying was the first to react, and said eagerly: "Su Yi, don't you want to exchange with me? You can do it now."


Su Yi did not hesitate, and quickly took out a Shouxi fruit, "Senior Sister Yuan, can you take a look?"

"Shouxi fruit!"

Gu Hongzhuo and Hu Xiuyuan's eyes lit up immediately.

Yuan Siying took the Shouxi Fruit in her hand and looked at it carefully. After a while, she said excitedly, "That's right, it's the Shouxi Fruit."

Su Yi reminded: "Senior Sister Yuan, should you give me the base car?"

"no problem."

Yuan Siying was also happy, took out the red base car and placed it in front of Su Yi.

Su Yi swept his eyes intently, and put the red base car into the [Qiankun Ring] calmly.

The [Smart Chariot] on the side was so excited that he almost yelled out when he saw his daughter-in-law.

Gu Hongzhuo and Hu Xiuyuan were a little dumbfounded.

Su Yi actually exchanged a Shouxi fruit with Yuan Siying for a base car?

This is too silly, right?

What base car is worth the price?

However, they didn't get entangled in this aspect. Compared with the fruit of Shouxi, they actually cared more about the time elixir.

Yuan Siying can exchange the base car with Su Yi for the fruit of Shouxi, but can they exchange time liquid with Su Yi for other things?

Thinking of this, Gu Hongzhuo took the lead to ask: "Su Yi, I want to exchange time liquid with you, just a little."

(End of this chapter)

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